Natural Remedies

Seeking Remedies for Intraductal Papilloma

Posted by Rose (Chattanooga, Tn) on 08/06/2017

Does anyone know of natural alternatives to surgery for intraductal papilloma? I was diagnosed and they said that surgery is my only option.

Replied by Michelle

I know this is an old post but I'm wondering if you were ever able to find a natural remedy? I too have been diagnosed with an intraductal papilloma and they are saying surgery is my only option.

Replied by Linda

I have been too. Had MRI done. Have not found any info for treatments either.

Replied by Teena
Melbourne, Australia
233 posts

In response to the ladies requesting info on intraductal papilloma, 'benign tumor of milk duct'. A work friend of mine recently called me in a panic she had found a lump in her breast and was going for further testing. First thing I said to her was "paint your breasts with iodine". Iodine deficiency is rampant, and it doesn't help that many people think of it only in relation to the thyroid. In fact it is greatly required not just by the thyroid, but by the sexual organs, the breast, cervix, uterus, etc, and the prostate in males. And other areas, inc the brain. The profound lack of iodine allows cysts, tumours, fibroids, cancers to form. It also does not help that (supposed) rda of iodine is miniscule compared to what is actually required by the body.

I can't link his book without possibly infringing on rights but Google David Brownstein Iodine for more info. Lugols iodine is a heavy metals detoxer, anti viral, anti fungal, immune booster, to avoid detox effects, must be taken with companion nutrients see iodine protocol

Honestly if this were me I would be applying topically and consuming. I am currently taking high dose iodine for it's chlorine and bromine detox abilities, antifungal benefits and to remedy low stomach acid which has caused many problems for me including leaky gut, poor digestion and nutrient absorption. I also expect any cysts or worse to dissolve. I have not experienced any negative detox effects however I have had clean diet for many months now. And use the supporting nutrients.

Anyone wondering about my work friend - hers was benign of the milk duct. She has not started any iodine.

Best to you.

Replied by Emma Anywhere

hi, I know this is a late reply, but I too am seeking natural.ways to dissolve my interductal pappilomas in my breasts and have just started using Apple Cider Vinegar as I see that has good results in pappilomas.

PS: am open to any other options. It's quite scary and lonely trying to help yourself against the advice of doctors. thank you


Just curious. Did you drink it or apply it on directly?

Replied by Calico

Am also looking for natural remedies, surgery seems like overkill to me.

Replied by emma anywhere

I haven't found a cure nearly 2 years down the line been advised to take selenium and vitamin A and change diet to less inflammatory items more pulses etc and sleep before 11.30????

Kitchener On

Hi, This will help

These steps will remove any tumors..

1 - pot with 2 inches of water, warm water on stove to melt Oil.

2 - put 3 tea spoons cold presed organic coconut oil in a small jar inside the pot water to melt coconut oil.

3 - add 1 tea spoon of Frankensence Oil to the small jar.

4- add 1/2 tea spoon D.M.S.O. Oil.

5- add 1/2 tea spoon of Baking Soda.

6- After all mixed remove from pot and put jar in the fridge to cool.

Now you just made a 2-3 week oil to apply where needed, as often as you wish, apply morning and night for sure.

Best wishes,


Replied by J
Phoenix, AZ

Hi Teena- in response to your topical treatment of lugols iodine, for your friend. In using this as a topical treatment, in this case painting my breasts with iodine ;) is it necessary to take anything additional with topical treatment?

I have not gotten a full diagnosis, but the radiologist indicated a small growth that does appear to be debris. I go for a biopsy this Friday. Thank you very much!