Natural Remedies

Need Advice Regarding How to Heal 1 Month Old Wolf Spider Bite

Posted by Jenn (Cobbora, Australia) on 12/26/2015

Hi and hello! I would like some advice on a bite that I got on my right leg a month ago. The heat here has been bringing more aggressive spiders out... Now, I know that Cellulitis can present as an insect or spider bite and perhaps I may have thought this too initially, had I not seen 2 distinct puncture wounds, 3 finger widths apart..

At that time it was just a localised wound so I put 6% peroxide on it to kill any germs and did this for a couple of days... Within a 3 day period, I had massive cramping across the top of my thigh and really bad bruising on the front of my leg.. I googled it then went to the Dr's and he told me it looked like a Wolf Spider bite...normally, it wouldn't be sore beyond 5 days in a normal person but because of a compromised health system, it looked and felt really nasty.

It's sore, very red, weeps almost continually from puncture wounds, is extremely sore where the bruising was and last week came up in hundreds of clear fluid blisters across my ankle bone and the top of my foot, just slightly smaller than the size of my small finger, nail...I had never seen blisters like them in that formation before...and if I accidentally busted one of those blisters, oh my gosh!! The itch was manic ... My leg surface crusts then weeps, then crusts again.. I've been bandaging it so it didn't get any more infected but anything on my leg irritates it... Most of the blisters have gone but I still have some in small clusters on my ankle..

Although penicillin is not good for me , I am ok if I don't take a full dose, so for some time now for my other leg, I have been taking Flopen 3 x daily, along with my black seed oil and protein powder... and leg is almost healed.. So Dr told me to continue with this, for this new wound.. elevate it and ice packs and anti- histamine for itch...

So, I have activated Charcoal in fridge and Turmeric powder also...some coconut oil and I'd like to know if a poultice of any of these would be good to draw the poison out of my leg and if so how to do it ? Thanking you in advance.... Jenn x

Replied by Susan

Dear Jenn, very sorry you are dealing with this. It sounds very serious.

I would try a charcoal poultice at least twice a day. This site has a page about it. You might also try colloidal silver, internally and externally. Please do update us with your progress.

Replied by Bw
Bellevue, Wa

I just heard today on a podcast a doctor mention that making a poultice of charcoal was good for treating a certain kind of spider bite - it might have been a Wolf Spider. Here's a YouTube video on making the poultice to use for Recluse Spider bites:

Replied by Jim
Frostburg, Md

I suspect your wound is healing slowly due to poor circulation. Clasp your hand around your leg where it goes into the ankle and check for a strong pulse. Edema is a sign of weak circulation. Regardless, exercise can help improve your condition. Walk, a lot! Climb stairs or walk up hills. Work your way up to a couple of miles per day, at least. Walking is anything but a quick fix but improvement in this and many other failings will slowly arrive.

Take herbs that will stimulate/remedy blood-flow to your extremities. Cayenne, ginger, yarrow, etc.

Replied by Mary

Sorry that the spiders are on a rampage lately, especially with all the water we have been having, I was bit about 2 months ago while I was in my car, they hate the peppermint smell, so I went to gnc and got some peppermint essential oils and sprayed my car with it, I also used the ignitor from a gas grill, disconnected of course, and I zapped the outside of the bite (which doesn't hurt) and I zapped the inside of the bite (which made me bite my tongue) and I zapped it very well, than I used a drawing salve to help keep it clean, the bite stopped growing, twice I got goo out of it, but within 2 weeks it was completely healed . I didn't see a dr, and I didn't take meds, and I don't have a scar, but I did make a ink circle around the bite and IF the swelling (redness) went past the ink mark, I would have gone to the Dr.this is something you could try, I know I will do this again if it happens again. and I wish you well

Replied by Jenn

Dear Susan,

I did forget to put in that I made a solution of Silver Colloidal 11 parts per ? and have been spraying it on legs after drying after soaking..

For my right leg I have been soaking it for 5 mins or so with a very small amount of Dettol and warm water .( as I have been doing with my left leg ulcer for over 18 months).

Then this last week I found some notes from a previous post on EC for my ulcer and it said about putting a lidful of liquid Betadine into a tub and soaking it..

Because my spider bite injury is so utterly painful and it doesn't like Dettol, Condy's Crystals or even a weak solution of ACV, I decided to try the Betadine solution last night and it felt pretty good until I had to dress it..

I did put the paw paw ointment on it and it just throbbed for over 4 hours. I finally couldn't stand the pain any longer and ripped everything off and it was bright red and very painful, so back to the Dettol and some new paw paw ointment that I ordered yesterday.

I've learned over time that the skin on my legs hates chemical stuff which is what the district nurses use, which is why I dress them myself!

Am still taking Black Seed Oil in fresh grapefruit juice..( the only way I can take it ), 6 teaspoons daily over 3 lots of orange juice of whey protein powder, 2000mgs of Vit C capsules, a multi vitamin, 2 x B12 and B5 daily, drinking lots of water about 2.5 litres a day and trying very hard to eliminate sugar because it reacts so badly to my new skin.

Spider bite gets better, then gets ?


Replied by Jenn

Following on from initial post and 1 other reply I can now now report some progress at long last!

My leg was so tender nothing I put on it worked.. Bread and charcoal poultices both had to washed off due to intense stinging so now I'm taking 4 standard teaspoons of charcoal internally before bed with one drop of peppermint in a glass of water... Mixing well and drinking through a straw..

Because I have an antibiotic to take last thing at night, I have been taking this by 8pm along with a pain killer, then leaving it 3 hours before doing charcoal.

The skin on both legs has dried out considerably plus blisters, redness and pain are much less..

I drink my normal 3-4 x 500mls water and I don't dehydrate plus I drink a few cups of tea during the day.

The first day I took it internally, I had a massive body was really detoxing!

Thank you Earth Clinic!

The tried and true remedies from people on here has literally saved my life and I have learnt so much ...
