Natural Remedies

What Natural Remedies Can Increase Ejection Fraction?

Posted by Pierre (Ancaster ) on 08/01/2017

I am a cancer survivor since 1996 and had done a tough Chemo called CHOP. And apparently it affected my Heart and in 2011 I almost died. I had 30+ Blood Clots in My lungs and I had a CHF and my Ejection Fraction is only at 25%. I was wondering what can I take or do to get my Ejection Fraction to over 55%?

Thank u in advance

Replied by Timh
2063 posts

There are many nutrients and herbs to help the heart. Check out Dr Sinatra for all the info (books, web articles, videos) and supplements you should need to improve your heart significantly.

Dr Sinatra, Integrative Cardiologist