Natural Remedies

Natural Treatment Needed For Hyperparathyroidism

Posted by Fae (Northridge, Ca) on 03/04/2015

Somebody stop the madness!! I have been pretty darn successful using the Earth Clinic remedies, as I despise big pharma and don't have much faith in western medicine. Unfortunately, I am also a Dialysis patient. I have ESRD (end-stage renal disease), and am in line for a kidney transplant, but that could be years away. My doctor just told me I have to be on a medication called "SENSIPAR". I just came from the pharmacy where they wanted $750 for a 3 month supply! Well, I sure don't have that kind of money available... and after reading the side effects... OMG! SENSIPAR is supposed to treat hyperparathyroidism. Please tell me there is a natural course of treatment!

Replied by Bill
San Fernando

Hi Fae...Hyperparathyroidism is generally caused by lack of boron leading to unregulated magnesium with consequent high levels of calcium in the blood and tissues. This is what causes the symptoms of severe tissue pain because the calcium levels in the cells are too high causing calcification of the cell mitochondria and pain. The thyroid and Iodine are also important for the parathyroid to help regulate bone formation via calcitonin and to prevent diseases like osteoporosis.

Here is Ted from Bangkok's remedy for hyperparathyroidism:

"The saliva pH is something I would measure first. The pH should be 7 to 7.3. If it is not, it's likely that the parathyroid/thyroid is low in iodine. The low levels comes from eating white flour products and bread, which contains bromine and it kicks out iodine. The other pH is the urine pH, which should be pH 6.5 to 7, if it is below, this also indicates low bicarbonates and taking baking soda or sodium citrate will get to normal levels. The iodine I will take is lugol's solution 1-2 drops a day plus vitamin C 500-1500 mg a day, sodium ascorbate, not calcium ascorbate. The potassium citrate, or potassium bicarbonate I used is 1/4 teaspoon a day plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Magnesium chloride or magnesium citrate taken on an empty stomach should relieve most of the pain from the back area is my experience. It takes about 3 days to get the pain out, but the dose is around 250-500 mg. a day. The bone tiredness is one of the indicators I used to gauge magnesium deficiency. Boron may also help some of the tiredness, as well as vitamin C. The boron I used is borax, but is taken only 3 days at 1/8 teaspoon in a liter of drinking water taken over the course of the day.

As to the lack of sleep, lugol's solution and baking soda and potassium should relieve most of the problems. I would however avoid fluoridated toothpaste since it accumulates in the pineal gland, disturbing the circadium rhythm and caused sleeplessness. The acid brain issue, should be alkalized with plenty of baking soda and potassium, as well as 1-2 drops of lugols in a cup of warm water taken in early evening along with vitamin c.


EC Source:

Aline Snoeyink
Wyoming Mi

When suggesting 1-2 drops Lugol's, are you referring to 2% or 5% solution?

One more thing, thank you for the clarity in presenting answers for our questions. I searched for over an hour prior to finding your web site!