Natural Remedies

Nausea and Spasming Pain

Posted by GertJr (Madison, AL) on 12/10/2024


I've had IBS-D all my life and have endured a 'flare' for the past 9 months with no resolution. Now I'm wondering about other symptoms(?) that may mean there's something else going on. Sudden, terrible reflux pain along with spasms of my esophagus that leaves me unable to swallow and I'm so very nauseous. I get stabbing pains in my right back, bottom of ribs, I get a sense just under my ribs in front that something is blocking movement (can't bend over because something is in the way). Terrible fatigue and brain fog (that I thought was due to insomnia, now not so sure). I mentioned blurry vision and coworker said her eyes were terribly blurry before she had an attack. General achiness, like I'm coming down with something but no fever. I'm scheduled for a hida scan next week. I'm down 23 pounds from when it all started and have to really watch my step to get proper nutririon (drinking an elemental diet meal replacement twice a day). I need relief. The diarrhea is bad enough but the nausea and spasming pains have me down for the count. I'm taking betaine hcl, similase lipo, plus an assortment of other supplements (grapeseed extract, lecithin, natto, to name a few).

Replied by Hollyhock

Gertjr, yes sounds so similar to my gallbladder attacks years ago! I kept thinking it was a heart attack each time! The doctor ordered an ultrasound and it was loaded with stones! Please have it checked out because it only gets worse!

Madison, AL

Did you have your gallbladder removed? what about digestion after removal? they gave me creon, then zenpep, then pancreaze and all of them resulted in massive diarrhea. I'm now taking betaine hcl and similase lipo with each meal, but I still see an oily sheen on the toilet water (not as much as before, tho). I'm wondering how long this has been coming - I've had ibs-d forever, but only the last few years has cleanup been so difficult. Like wiping oily cake batter off my backside, then scrubbing the bowl because a simply flush doesn't get it all (sticky, oily mess). I'm at a loss what to do. Thanks for your response.


Gertjr, yes I had my gallbladder removed in 2007 and that's when the IBS-D began! I tried everything to get it under control but nothing worked! I can say it's now under control and it's from two things I began doing,,, a year ago I began doing intermittent fasting (I skip breakfast and simply eat lunch and supper in a 4 to 5 hour window, usually from noon to 4 or 5 o'clock) the other thing is that I take food grade diatomaceous earth. I had read that it can cause constipation so I decided why not? Earth clinic has information on DE and how to start taking it. I take breaks from it so that I don't over do it. :)

Madison, AL

I don't think you really had ibs, I think you had bile salt diarrhea. Just my opinion, but most dr's are clueless and any unexplained bowel issue is called ibs. Since you had your gallbladder out, they should have considered that and given you welchol. At any rate, I now wonder if my leg and feet cramping is just one other symptom of gallbladder. If my esophagus spasms, why not my legs? I'm taking enough magnesium that I'm getting looser than usual, I use mag oil on the muscles that are cramping with no effect and I drink electrolyte drinks throughout the day-so no reason for cramping unless it's a symptom of the gallbladder.