Natural Remedies

Nebulizing with Iodine and/or Turpentine for Candida +

Posted by Jred22 (Berlin) on 01/10/2025

Hello everybody. This is a great website and I am very happy to have found it. I believe I am dealing with one of, or perhaps all of Candida/parasite/heavy metal issues. Symptoms - psoriasis on my elbow, red inflammatory marks on my head and face sometimes. Trouble sleeping, brain fog and extreme tiredness and really bad gas. I have been doing the candida protocols since Jan 2024 on and off with Iodine, borax, alkalizing with Ted's remedies and turpentine, as well as better eating habits. Unfortunately I also had mercury fillings (5) which I only got taken out in November, just by a normal dentist with only a little protection and I think it released more mercury into my system. I also believe was hindering proper progress early last year. I have also done a month of DE since taking them out and take chlorella. I upped the dosage of DE around 30 days too quickly and had quite a long herxheimer reaction. I would like to ask if anyone has experience nebulzing with Turpentine or iodine and what the correct dosage is. One nasal passage is always blocked and I used to think it was a deviated septum but sometimes after taking Iodine it feels better for a little while. I'm sure there is candida in my lungs as well. I would like to nebulize to aid what I am doing and I was going to use a saline solution with one drop of 5% iodine and 1 drop of turpentine or is there a better way to do it? Any and all suggestions welcome.

Replied by Rob

From my Notes.

Dr. Brownstein's Blog

For Daily Maintenance with NO Infection:

5 CCs (5 ml) 0.9% Saline Solution

1 CCs (1 ml) 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

With my patients, I have them nebulize Lugol's 5% or 2% solution. I tell them to put 1-2 drops of Lugol's 5% in 3cc of normal saline and nebulize the mixture.

Nebulize with Sinus Mask until Metered Bowl is Empty

Once per day.

For people with Asthma or High Blood Pressure:

3 CCs (3 ml) 0.9% Saline Solution

0.43 CCs (0.43 ml)(11 Drops) 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

1-2 drops of Lugol's 5% in 3cc of normal saline and nebulize the mixture.

Nebulize with Sinus Mask until Metered Bowl is Empty

Once per day.

Delicate Lungs:

3 CCs (3 ml) 0.9% Saline Solution

0.21 CCs (0.21 ml)(5 Drops) 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

1 drops of Lugol's 5% in 3cc of normal saline and nebulize the mixture.

Nebulize with Sinus Mask for 10 minutes

Once per day.


11 Drops from an eye dropper

is approximately 0.43 CCs or 0.43 ml.

Given that the overall mass of

3% Hydrogen Peroxide rarely changes

1 drop is in fact a Scientific Measurement.

All drops are the same mass.

People with asthma should be aware that this treatment will cause excessive coughing and that is normal for them.

People with high blood pressure are prone to nose bleeds, hence the reduced H2O2.


Start eating a lot of GARLIC everyday. About 6 cloves per daily. The smellier the better.

Garlic for Candidiasis – Candida ‘Yeast” overgrowth. Garlic together with turmeric and cinnamon in milk is a great remedy for persistent candida/thrush. Fresh garlic is significantly more potent against Candida albicans than any other form, including tablets, oils, and pills. Fresh garlic is also a suitable alternative to drugs for serious systemic yeast infections in patients with severe immune suppression. Garlic also stimulates the immune system, improves circulation, lowers high blood pressure, kills intestinal parasites, and is a powerful antioxidant and antibiotic, in addition to many other health benefits.

Various studies have found ajoene to have the strongest activity of all garlic compounds in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans. Another study found that garlic markedly inhibited the growth of Candida albicans when the samples of the disease were treated with aqueous garlic extract. This was later supported by Huntington College of Health Sciences, who have stated that garlic has clear anti-candidal activity, with the power to halt the growth and spread of Candida albicans.

AnchorCandida “systemic” overgrowth: Several studies have shown that the extract was effective against a host of protozoa including Candida albicans (Lemar et al., 2002 â–¶), Scedosporium prolificans (Davis et al., 2003 â–¶), tinea pedis (Ledezma et al., 2000 â–¶), Opalina ranarum, Balantidium entozoon, Entamoeba histolytica, Trypanosomes, Leishmania, Leptomonas, and Crithidia (Reuter et al., 1966 â–¶).

Garlic together with turmeric and cinnamon in milk is a great remedy for persistent candida/thrush. Fresh garlic is significantly more potent against Candida albicans than any other form, including tablets, oils, and pills. Fresh garlic is also a suitable alternative to drugs for serious systemic yeast infections in patients with severe immune suppression. Garlic also stimulates the immune system, improves circulation, lowers high blood pressure, kills intestinal parasites, and is a powerful antioxidant and antibiotic, in addition to many other health benefits.

One of garlic's most important antifungal agents is Ajoene, an organosulfur compound that has been shown to kill off a variety of fungal infections. Ajoene is formed from a compound named allicin and an enzyme named allinase. When garlic is chopped or crushed, allicin and allinase come together to form the powerful antibacterial agent, which then develops into the greatest fighter of them all, ajoene.

Various studies have found ajoene to have the strongest activity of all garlic compounds in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans. Another study found that garlic markedly inhibited the growth of Candida albicans when the samples of the disease were treated with aqueous garlic extract. This was later supported by Huntington College of Health Sciences, who have stated that garlic has clear anticandidal activity, with the power to halt the growth and spread of Candida albicans.

Although ajoene's antifungal properties are well-documented, its exact mechanisms of action are not so clear. As with other antifungals, scientists hypothesize that ajoene works by disrupting the cells walls of the Candida yeast cells and thus preventing them from functioning properly.

Various studies have found ajoene to have the strongest activity of all garlic compounds in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans. Another study found that garlic markedly inhibited the growth of Candida albicans when the samples of the disease were treated with aqueous garlic extract. Garlic has clear anticandidal activity, with the power to halt the growth and spread of Candida albicans. (1, 2, 3, 4)

Although ajoene's antifungal properties are well-documented, its exact mechanisms of action are not so clear. As with other antifungals, scientists hypothesize that ajoene works by disrupting the cells walls of the Candida yeast cells and thus preventing them from functioning properly. There is also evidence that garlic can dispute Candida biofilms. (5)

Replied by Lisa


I have nebulized iodine, 2 drops of Lugol's 2%, every hour or so, for a day, then decreased each day after, maybe just one drop. I did this for 2 weeks. I combined it with hydrogen peroxide, 7 sprays from a plastic nasal spray bottle and 1/2 tsp of colloidal silver, all combined with maybe a tsp of 9% saline.

This was post pneumonia and antibiotics, so went into my lungs. But I did this for my sinuses also, just not as much because I didn't want irritation.
