Need Help for Neuropathy With Itching, Numbness and Pain
Hi looking how to treat neuropathy
I have numbness and pain during and itching driving me up the wall. WHAT can be done.
Hi Dave,
Here is a list of 8 popular supplements that can help relieve peripheral neuropathy:
1. Vitamin B1 As Benfotiamine
2. Vitamin B6 as P5P
3. Vitamin B12
4. R-Alpha Lipoic Acid
5. Melatonin
6. Berberine
7. Magnesium Glycinate or Magnesium Taurate
8. Burdock Root at high dose
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid and or the B vitamins would be a good starting point.
Label dosing is a good starting point.
where the Numbness and other symptoms are? feet, legs, hands, arms?
Biology is almost never as simple as "low" or "high" on a lab value. Your body always has a reason for the adaptations you're looking at in the form of blood biomarkers and this is the art of listening to what your body is trying to tell you.
Our bodies have a defense mechanism to win this competition and starve bacterial overgrowth. Essentially, when an infection is detected, our bodies limit the amount of iron available in the bloodstream (lowering the blood biomarker serum iron) and increase the storage of iron (increasing the blood biomarker ferritin) so that bacteria cannot gain access to it.
Micronutrient manipulation as a whole is a game that needs to be treated with care because there are feedback loops for everything in physiology.
Supplement protocols prescribed without proper analysis create way more questions than they do answers.