Issues With Nightmares and People Who Have Passed in Dreams
I am having persistent chronic nightmares where deceased people I knew in life are present. Relatives, friends, acquaintances. Sometime 2 or 3 are present in the same dream or consecutive dreams the same night. Sometime those dreams are nightmares but not always. Sometime I see a person then google him/her, sure enough they are dead. I did have several sleep paralysis episodes throughout my life. I did have a sleep study, my sleep index was 36%, I practically had no REM sleep, CENTRAL apnea ( not to be confused with obstructive apnea), sympathetic nervous system activation etc. Now, I did try everything there is to try. Medication and supplements do not work for me and often give a paradoxic reaction (the opposite of what is expected). Please don't recommend melatonin. I had many therapies with no results. Sleep music, aromatherapy etc. no difference. I am at the end of my rope. Last night was a new moon night and it was especially horrible night. My deceased mother twice in two separate dreams, a deceased friend, both dreams were nightmares. I am not grieving and have no unprocessed issues with anyone. What is going on? I have salt under my bed. All kind of dream catchers, pyramids near my bed. Moved my bed many times to see if changing headboard direction will help. I have no TV or WIFI in my bedroom. My phone is in another room for the night. My headboard is not touching the walls so dirty electricity if there is, should not affect me. I could go for 2-3 weeks without severe nightmares or dead people, then I start seeing it every night for days and weeks. Any advice will be appreciated. Please no supplements recommendations and no links. Maybe somebody knew someone who was going through what I am going through. Anecdotal cases they say. Please share Thank you.
Central NJ
Sleepless, I could ask you a million questions about the dreams for the sake of interpretation that could make sense to you. But I also have the feeling that, with your sleep deprivation history, it might be a matter of the upper centers (some call them chakras) are thin or stay open. To make sure they are closed for sleep and protection, try saying the 23rd Psalm aloud before bed every night. Easy enough to try. If this doesn't help, we can try something else. Hoping for the best for you...
Thank you so much for responding. It does make sense and I will start tonight. I already suspected about crown chakra being open. Just don't know when/why and what to do about it. The other thing that points in the crown chakra direction, I will try to explain the best I can, is that sometime when I close my eyes, I start "seeing" for a split second the fragments of everything there is, like a burst pi- a kaleidoscope of things, objects, faces, abstract things and objects, -- things -- I don't even have a name for or ever seen in my life, things that don't even exist in this reality. It is like that I see everything that ever existed and exists not just in the Universe we know, but elsewhere/everywhere. Sometime it is out of this reality dreams, though they are not nightmares, but rather mesmerisingly beautiful. About seeng deceased people. Sometime I don't even know someone is deceased for the last contact was 20 years ago. My mother died 2 years ago. I even cried and begged her to leave me alone few times. My sister never sees any dead people in her dreams, yet she was taking care of mom to her last breath. But like I said I am not grieving. Maybe I am crazy? Oh, I was taking care of my cat before I took her to be put to sleep, it was very traumatic for me, I still get emotional and cry every time I think of her. She was in my dreams few times as well. Having said that nightmares, and dead people have been visiting me long before my cat's transition.
central NJ
Sleepless, Very generally, people in dreams represent certain qualities of the self from when you knew them, OR from their actions in the dreams at that time. Generally, they are fractals of self that the subconscious and superconscious use to make you aware of certain aspects of self to look at and see what they could be telling you about your earthly conscious experience. They are not dead people coming to bother you. They are useful symbols to express things you might need to look at. When they get to be at the level of nightmares, this just means that the superconscious is REALLY trying to get your attention. So try not to be freaked out by the people whether dead or alive in the world. Try to understand what they could symbolize to you and see if there's a learning opportunity or a message for you to pay attention to. Hope this helps.
I'm a serious student of eschatology, study of the end times. If you can remember your dreams clearly that could be a sign of them being prophetic messages to you. As we have passed the 2000 years of grace we are ripe for this event. The dead in Christ will rise soon and will be seen walking around. This happened before when Jesus rose and about 1200 of the deceased townspeople rose from the dead with him and terrified the living. Most people are not ready for this event. Perhaps the Lord is trying to get your attention. He often speaks through dreams. Say, save me Jesus and send me the power of the Holy Spirit. This should cause you to be "born again" which is an event where God puts his spirit inside you, as it was before the fall of man. You should then feel God's presence and know that He is with you. This is literal, not a religious concept. If you don't feel anything, keep asking until you do. Just speak plainly and ask Jesus to help you with your dreams/nightmares and salvation. GBY, Karen in Phoenix.
Thank you Karen. Your advice is very much appreciated.
Salam; As Muslims we usually advised to recite the verse Alkursi (Throne verse) before sleeping because it expels demons, Many have tried it and it has been helpful in preventing nightmares.
This is the translation of the verse into English
Allah! There is no god worthy of worship except Him, the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining. Neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who could possibly intercede with Him without His permission? He fully knows what is ahead of them and what is behind them, but no one can grasp any of His knowledge—except what He wills to reveal. His Seat1 encompasses the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of both does not tire Him. For He is the Most High, the Greatest.2
Here are the words of the verse in Arabic with English letters, and I advise you to read it in Arabic as it appears in the Quran.
Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
Allahu la illaha illa hu
Wal Hayyul Qayyum
La te huzuhu sinetun wala nawmun
Lahu ma fissemawati wa ma fil'ardi
Men thallathiy yeshfe'u indehu illa biznih
Ya'lemu ma beyne eydiyhim
wa ma halfehum
wa la yuhiytune
bishey'in min ilmihi
illa bima sha-a wasia kursiyyuhu semavati wal'ard
Wa la yeuduhu hifzuhuma wa hu wal aliy ul aziym
Thank you.
On a cloudy day
People use mugwort for this type of thing. Garden variety cooking sage has somewhat similar effects. Avoid fluoride, try using borax - look up Ted's borax remedy on this site.
Try praying for the people and situations you see.
Thank you. It is sort of kind of make sense but confusing when it comes to what should I do, if anything. I am not “getting the message”, so to speak.
Cheryl, how can I contact you? It's getting more complicated. I can't post it here for others start thinking I am crazy. Thank you.
Is Awesome!!!
I get nightmares and insomnia when I drink green tea. Might be the fluoride. Borax does wonders. Valerian and nutmeg, too. If the nightmares are happening during the day it could just be your overly-tired brain checking out occasionally from lack if sleep. Agree with the post about the people representing things rather than being actual people.
Last night I dreamt a good friend borrowed my Dad's boat, took it out on the lake, and disappeared. There were enormous turtles in the lake.