Natural Remedies

Need Help for Virus Symptoms

Posted by kaybeebee (Gulfcoast) on 01/02/2025

Low grade fever, went to clinic, tested no flu, no COVID. Given anti biotics to keep it from going into pnumonia, also given cough meds. This disease that so many people are suffering has no name. It is flu-like. Aspirin, Tylenol and ibuprofen all help with aches and headaches. When initial problems are gone, coughing remains. Then aches and general lethargy return. Cough is the worst though and it comes and goes to keep you up at night and make your throat sore to the point of spitting out some bloody mucus from back of the throat. Any idea?

Replied by Neco

Versuchen sie mit CDS-CDL Klordioksit. Bitte informieren sie vorher. Auch Salbei tee Gurgeln hilft gegen Hals schmerzen...

Gute Besserung Nejdet


Try CDS-CDL Klordioksitol. Please inform in advance. Gargling sage tea also helps against sore throats...

Get well soon Nejdet

Replied by Dano

Florida was one of the places recently affected by a weird chemical "fog". Many people reported the symptoms that you have. So far, there are no answers from government as to what it really was, but individuals are working on it privately. You may want to do regular internet searches for updates on the situation. When we get some answers to what it was, we will know better on how to proceed. For now, various detox methods can be used, such as detox baths, activated charcoal internally, and Zeolite as well. Earth Clinic will have more info on those if you do a search.

Replied by Mama to Many

Dear kaybeebee,

Coconut oil is an amazing antiviral. 1 Tablespoon of virgin coconut oil 3 times a day.

Melatonin is also a great antiviral. I take 20 mg 4 x a day for viruses. If you need to work during the day, just try a dose at bedtime and repeat it if you wake up in the night.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Rob

@ kaybeebee

My buds at the hospital are saying that one of the bugs going around is a bacterial strain of antibiotic-resistant Mycoplasm Pneumonia, and it's HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS. I've seen first hand it's resistant to Z-Pak and Amoxicillin. Other diseases that are showing up are Influenza A (Bird flu), RSV, and good old COVID...

Note: Most (not all) of my relatives have gotten this bug. They followed my advise and all recovered in 2-3 days. Long hauler may take a week.

Here is my protocol for telling my people to do:

Lemon-aid for the fever and chills – Make a pitch of fresh lemon-aid and drink this all day to combat fever and chills.

Nebulizing the lungs for infection – I make a nebulizing solution that goes into the nebulizing medicine cup. The ingredients I use are Colloidal Silver with 3% FGHP Hydrogen Peroxide.

Super Formula 225 – Taking internally for infection. It's my own proprietary house blend. Ingredients are: Tulsi, Olive leaf, Thyme, Mullein, Oregano oil (83% Carvacrol) in Grain Spirits.

My Anti-Viral Cold & Flu Remedy – Another one of my own proprietary house blend. Got over 1,000 people in my area thru COVID and still working strong. I've folded it 33 times to increase potency.

Hope this helps you to finding a cure on your end...


Hi Rob,

What is your Antiviral Cold & Flu Remedy? And, what do you mean by folding it 33 times? Thank you for sharing. Sherri


@ Sherri

My Anti-Viral Remedy is a formula (blended tincture) I started working on back in 2010. I was trying to figure out HOW TO KILL ALL 300 VARIANTS OF THE INFLUENZA VIRUS (i.e. bird, swine, and all their sub-variants…). It took 2 years of trial and error and tweeking the formula using my friends as guinea pigs when they got sick.

If you are sick with an influenza virus and start taking this formula orally every 2 hours within 48 hours of getting sick… you WILL BE OVER THE FLU IN 14 HOURS! Yes you read that right.

Based on my observations using this formula over the last 12 years and during COVID, if you have been sick for a week, it will take alittle longer. If you have a weak immune system, the same result applies.

At the end of 2018, everyone was getting sick. They were negative of bird and swine flu so I classified it as an SSV (some sort of virus). All I had to offer them was my Cold and Flu Remedy… everyone got better. Continued to give it to people diagnosed with Covid into 2019-20-21… everyone got better.

Folding is a technique of compounding a formula to increase its potency. An Amish doctor showed me how to do it. It was practiced in Old England by their chemist.

Replied by Azna Dharini
United States

1-1/2 TBS whole cloves
1 oz fresh ginger root - thumb-sized
2 Star Anise - whole
.5 oz. Or 1-1/2 teaspoons Ceylon cinnamon powder - do not use any other cinnamon other than Ceylon Cinnamon
1 Clove Garlic
Healthy sweetener, such as coconut sugar, to taste

Combine above ingredients in a pot. Bring to boil over high heat.
Reduce to low heat. Simmer 20 minutes. Strain the contents into
a container using a fine mesh filter. Drink the tea after filtering out the


Hello again Rob,

Thank you for the quick response.

How can one obtain or make your proprietary Anti Viral Remedy?

Thank you,


Replied by Art
2412 posts

Hi kaybeebee,

For the throat issue, 1.5% hydrogen peroxide gargled 3 times per day should help fairly quickly.

For various flus and flu like symptoms, I have had very good results using a popular homeopathic remedy that works fairly quickly, but like most remedies it works best and fastest if used at the very first signs and symptoms. A standard course is 6 vials over two days and that usually gets you well at the end of two days if taken at the first signs and symptoms, but do not be afraid to follow the first course with a second course because you have had the symptoms for awhile already. Here is a link to the product on Amazon, but I usually get it from Sams Club as they generally have the best price :,aps,164&sr=8-5

The box contains 5 flu treatments in it. I highly recommend that you read some of the over 29, 000 reviews to get a better idea of how well it works for people who have used it regularly for years and keep it in stock in their medicine cabinets. Sam's Club's package has 7 flu treatments at a price of $29.98.

I have recommended it to many friends over the years and their results have been similar to mine and they generally keep it in their medicine cabinets to be prepared for the flu season ahead of time as I do also, but they have also reported using it to good effect whenever they have flu like symptoms or colds and especially when used at the earliest symptoms. I have also found it effective for colds which is important to me because, for me, colds tend to settle into my chest which can be a problem. With this homeopathic remedy I do not seem to have that problem any more.

For the cough, I have had good results using melatonin lozenges or pills that you dissolve slowly in the mouth to bathe the throat. This is of course if you tolerate melatonin well.

These three very simple remedies are flu and flu like symptom mainstays for me. Very straightforward and the melatonin also has antiviral characteristics afforded by its multiple methods of action which include anti inflammatory, highly potent antioxidative stress effects and antiapoptotic effects among others. Melatonin also has among it anti-Covid-19 effects the ability to help prevent blood clots. I previously wrote about melatonin for Covid-19 on EC here :

I also wrote about melatonin and other supplements for Long Covid here :

Please keep us posted on your progress!



@ Sherri

You can reach out to the EarthClinic Staff. They have my contact information on file so you can contact me direct.