Natural Remedies

Having Heart Palpitations and Hearing Heartbeat in Head/Ear

Posted by Sandy (UK) on 04/22/2024

I'm experiencing palpitations and can hear my own heart beating strongly in my head/ear all the time.

cardiologist said could be blood pressure issue but other Doc doesn't agree. Does anyone know what could be causing this and what I can do. I'm getting so anxious,

Replied by Bex7

For me, it was only one ear and that ear had wax build up from using earplugs for years while working in a mill. I got it cleaned out and have not heard heartbeat in ear since.

Replied by neco

Atem Traning und Strophanthin informieren... Keine angst..

Breath training and strophanthin information... Don't worry...

Replied by Cate

For immediate relief try taking;

Freshly crushed Raw Garlic. Garlic is very relaxing for the heart & assists in regulating it's rhythm. Unlike other herbs, garlic must be taken in raw form otherwise is loses its medicinal value. It also must be crushed in order to break its cell walls, which contain the medicinal component. This means that if one would swallow chunks of it, the body would not be able to break its cell walls to reap the benefits. Start with 1 clove and see how you feel. If you find it betters your condition, take 4 cloves daily. Always take with food, towards the middle of a meal is best. To prevent stomach burn, mix garlic with butter or 'cold pressed extra virgin olive oil' prior to swallowing. Try to swallow it with a bite full of chewed-up food to prevent your tongue from burning. Drink plenty of water afterwards. If you happen to feel stomach burn, it will be temporary, just increase the amount of oil or take some genuine honey such as Manuka (raw apple also helps). Best to buy garlic not grown in China as it is whitened with bleach.

St John's Wort which is a very powerful herb that helps to calm the heart. The herb can be brewed into a tea. Or can be bought as a supplement. If using dried herb, add boiling water to ¼ tsp herb, steep 15 min minimum with lid on. If you see no effects or that it's of benefit, slowly increase the dosage up to 1-3 tsp daily. But it's best that you determine yourself the amount you require (go slow)! If taking in supplement form, start with half the recommended dosage. Only if symptoms have not worsened, take the recommended dosage on the bottle.

Possible causes & treatments;

  • COVID Vaccine
  • Caffeine (especially from increased consumption of coffee or energy drinks). Caffeine also depletes magnesium from your body
  • MSG also known as 'flavour enhancer' in food ingredient lists, & is present in many take away foods
  • Magnesium deficiency
  • Heavy metal toxicity (especially mercury which is present in 'silver' dental fillings)
  • Chemical exposure

Replied by Ruralady
44 posts

It's called Pulsatile tinnitus and can be relieved by Gingko Biloba unless you're already taking ANY kind of blood thinner. I have it too. I use the organic GB liquid and put it in my coffee every morning. You can also use transcranial Direct Current Stimulation which can also be used if you're on blood thinners. I use that too for another reason.