Remedies Desperately Needed for Ear Eczema
Please help. I have ear eczema in the canal - my ears have a clear fluid discharge, they are crusty,cracked and very painful.I have fought this for about 10 yrs but just had a ENT tell me what it was. It is in both ears and now it has spread to the outside of the ear. I am so desperate.
To Margaret in CA,,this Merryanne in FL,,I understand everthing you are saying,,,I am dealing with the same problem,,and one or two others,,Surprisingly I have found two treatmens that help many skin and internal problems. 1. I take 3 drops of Logol's Solution 2% in 2 cups of distilled water(use water with no floride or clorine) at least 2 times a day, do 3 if you have time, this is a balanced Iodine solution, I order from an online company, Swanson Vitamins,,. I take 2 teaspoon of a light oil, like olive or any light oil and add 10 drops of oil of Oregano, then use cotton tips and put in the ear canal, reaply as need to keep moist, clean out the canal maybe once a week with hydrogen peroixied, put a few drops in the earl canal and let it bubble for a few miniutes then turn your head over and drain out, then put your oil solution back in your ear with cotton tips, just enough to moist the area. Continue to take the Iodine until you feal that you have accomplished what you need. If you skip a day or two, that is ok if you have been taking it already for 3 or more days,,,mising one or two days sometime makes the treatments more effective. I hope this helps you, It has helped me, Merryanne in FL
Sao Paulo, Brazil
I recently cured a 10 month-long case of vesicular eczema (dydidrosis) by massaging undiluted apple cider vinegar on my feet a couple of times a day. I had tried ACV before and it didn't work, but the trick was to massage the whole foot and not use a cotton swab to apply on certain areas only. I'm amazed with ACV, once again!
However, I'm not sure ACV in the ear canal is a good thing... you might want to try diluting it and let it soak in each ear for a while, they work your way down on dilution so no side effects are noted.
One thing: as one recent funny post here on EC indicated, DO NOT USE GARLIC oil! haha
EC: P is referring to Ouchy McNumbface's hilarious 06/02/2008 post in this section:
East Orange, New Jersey, Essex
I'm a 55yr old African-American woman with an extreme case of eczema from head to ankle (feet free). Had it since I was 9 mos old. My question is has anyone had the topical steroid addiction? Whenever I try to stop using the cortisone my face becomes unbearable to look at and the itch is insane. The eczema becomes oozy and runny. Has anyone withdrawn from the topical with a product that will provide some ease and comfort? Any and all suggestions are welcomed! Rashida
Glenns Ferry, Idaho
I know your comment is from years ago, but I thought I'd reply.
I have had ear eczema for years, have used coconut oil to moisturize ears, which at least kept them from drying and being painful, but that's all it did.
3 weeks ago I started taking Diatomaceous earth, and slowly my ear eczema seems to be clearing. I put it down to the Food grade diatomaceous earth.
For the last 6 months I have also been using magnesium oil and mega mag, vitamin k2, bee pollen, acerola cherry powder, boron, adrenal cocktail and other stuff as recommended by Morley Robbins at the magnesium advocacy group, in the hope of healing myself from arthritis.
But it is only since using the diatomaceous earth that the eczema seems to be clearing.
I have had luck with a liquid solution of boric acid. I add powder to a small bottle of distilled water. It provides almost immediate relief and if used regularly, keeps things clear. It does not eliminate it, it always comes back, but has worked better than the many remedies I have tried.
New Zealand
Hello there again!
I notice a couple of postings a few days ago refer to some diverse possible benefits from taking Manuka Honey (from New Zealand of course) either orally or topically, depending on the condition being treated.
A little known secret over here is that Kanuka Honey is also shaping up to be pretty effective too and the word out from my favorite apiarist, is that it may indeed be somewhat superior to Manuka in treating some SKIN conditions. Cheaper too!
The two are close relatives: think of the Manuka as being the bush and the Kanuka as being the (big brother) tree. One famous and the other not so much!
Trouble is, that whilst the Manuka export trade from N.Z. is strictly regulated for quality standards, the same guarantees do not pertain to Manuka Honey on sale within N.Z. Huh! (we are still asked to pay those silly prices though - go figure!! ). Maybe you fellas could send me some and then I could be certain of getting the good quality batch! It's a strange world out there.
Also, there are currently no standards for Kanuka Honey exports, so you cannot be sure what you are getting or where it emanates from. We get through a few one kilogram pots of Multi-Flora Honey (cheaper! ) each year but I make sure I buy from a good keen joker up the road who I have known for years. Because I laugh at his jokes, he sometimes throws a small packet of honey lozenges in as a freebie extra.
For the Kanuka, there has been some tentative research suggesting its suitability for such skin conditions as rosacea, burns, acne, actinic keratosis, psoriasis and eczema but the research is "ongoing" as they say.
Anyway, the bees have been trying to tell us their wisdom for years but do we listen?
Cheers from Michael Down Under, where the Autumnal Equinox has just passed by.