Natural Remedies

Seeking Urgent Help for Son With Catatonic Schizophrenia

Posted by Cheri (Az) on 03/27/2017

I would like to ask Ted for advice for my son. He is currently in the hospital. He was born with Cerebral Palsy and just recently found out that he also has hydrocephaly. About a week ago he started telling me that he felt sick and has been saying for years that he felt like he was having seizures at night and has been having a lot of issues with feeling like he is shaking. I took him to the hospital and he started shaking every where like he was having a seizure. They ran test and said that there was nothing wrong with him, gave him adavan and sent us home. He got worse and went back to the hospital and is now in a catatonic state. Can't move for days then will get up and act fine and as soon as he goes to sleep will go back into a catatonic state.

They have diagnosed him with catatonic Schizophrenia and made me admit him to a psychiatric hospital yesterday. They have not helped him. I need help he has also went through severe abuse when he was a child and has always had issues with his nervous system. Please help me to figure out what is going on and help my son. They said he is refusing medication and they are sending him home because he won't take drugs that are making him feel more paralyzed.

I think it is a niacin deficiency. He also told me he feels a lot of pressure in his head. He is 22 and we just found out about the hydrocephaly that he has had since birth they say that has nothing to do with it and diagnosed him with catatonic Schizophrenia and stress disorder. Please pray they will let me bring him home today and get him the help he needs so desperately. I hope they don't kill him before I can get him help.

Replied by Timh
2063 posts

Cheri: First step in this condition is alkalizing remedies. A good health food store brand Multivitamin is very important.

Try and find a natural doctor or chiropractor in your area to help achieve some return to health.

Here is a list of nutrients that are specifically beneficial for brain function.

  • Coconut Oil
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine
  • Hemp Oil/CBD
  • Taurine
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Fish, Krill and Flax Oil

Replied by Nature15
Ontario, Canada

You may be right It could be a Niacin deficiency. It could also be a host of other things in conjunction with that as well too. I'm sorry your son is going through this. My encouragement for you would be to reach out to as many supportive health professionals, family, friends and utilize as many resources as possible to get to the bottom of this and help your son have a fighting chance here.

Schizophrenic type symptoms can be brought on by many different things. Nutritional deficiencies, parasites ( Research Toxoplasma Gondii especially. Probably unlikely he has contracted it but it's been linked to schizophrenia and worth looking into).

You mentioned he complains of a lot of head pressure/pain. Has he ever had an MRI to rule out anything more serious? I know you mentioned they ran some tests and didn't find anything, what tests did they run?

If all the tests look normal but he constantly battles these nervous system problems, going into a catatonic state after sleep, and feeling like he's having seizures he could be enduring some type of severe sleep paralysis type events, or his body may simply be in shock because his adrenals have crashed for having been in fight or flight for too long and it can manifest as a nervous breakdown.

You said he suffered severe abuse as a child, some of this could be unresolved emotional issues manifesting physically as well.

When your son is out and back home and settled the best thing you can do is treat him as holistically as possible.

This is kind of wild reading your story, because I can feel your son's pain having myself been in a very similar position when I was 22 years old.

I was put in a mental institution, had a full blown nervous breakdown, was very ill physically, I couldn't eat anything, had drastic weight loss, suffered bizarre panic attacks, problems swallowing, problems with head pressure, insomnia etc.. I went on Attivan too..

My Mom was a Godsend when I got out, We started eating very healthy, juicing, I started seeing an osteopath and got my Vagus nerve looked out and treated( please research this as well), I cut out all food allergies, used appropriate herbs, vitamins, minerals, I started working again and got my life back and even went to travel in Hawaii on my own after that! ( Surreal considering I battled severe anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, learning disabilities all my life etc..).

If I could overcome a lot of that so can your son! Never lose hope!

If you want to chat more about this, we can bounce ideas off each other if you'd like. I'll free up time to help in any way I can.


Replied by Susan

I would love to know how your son is doing today. My son was diagnosed with autistic catatonia.