Natural Remedies

Remedies Not Helping Wife With Hypertension During Last Month of Pregnancy

Posted by Waltz (India) on 10/12/2018

Hypertension during last month of pregnancy

Hello All,

My wife is 34 weeks pregnant and she has been having high blood pressure since last one month. Her readings are around 140-150/90-100. Her gynaecologist is asking her to be put on Labetalol but we want to try the natural route as far as possible.

I have already been giving her magnesium ascorbate for Vit C, Magnesium oil transdermal application for magnesium, ACV and baking soda for alkalinity, Vitamin B50 complex, Vitamin D (10,000IU per day) with Vitamin K2.

For the hypertension, have also started her on Arginine 1.5 grams twice a day and planning to add N-Acetyl Cysteine and potassium citrate as well. But there has been no reduction so far in the blood pressure readings. Am I missing something and on the right track. Any suggestions please?


Replied by Mmsg
Somewhere, Europe

Waltz, sometimes something as simple as drinking a bit more water than usual, and adding good salt (grey or Himalayan) will bring down blood pressure.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Waltz,

A friend of mine has had success taking cayenne pepper for her blood pressure. If she takes cayenne capsules daily (I think just one) her blood pressure is lower.

Hawthorn Berry may also help. 1-2 capsules can be used daily in pregnancy according to herbalists I refer to. I know someone who is using it with doctors knowledge and encouragement for heart palpitations in pregnancy. She only needs one a day. If she skips a couple of days the heart racing comes back. Hawthorn is also useful to regulate high or low blood pressure.

I assume they are checking her urine routinely? As high blood pressure and protein in the urine together can indicate toxemia which is very serious. (I believe that swelling in the hands and feet would be another symptom.)

Congratulations on the baby!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Baldev
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
185 posts

Hi Waltz,

It appears that it's a first pregnancy, and generally it's seen that as the D day approaches the BP level starts rising and the reason is very simple, it's the " Fear of unknown". Also it's observed in India that if a lady had daughters in the previous pregnancies then also as the D day approaches their BP starts rising because of the tension and fear that this time again it may not be a daughter. Of course they are unfounded fears but they are there, so what she needs is Love and Understanding and assurance that every thing will be fine.

I am surprised that the gynecologist instead of prescribing the medication did not take the route of counseling. My suggestion would be that she should do yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises ) that will certainly bring the BP readings down.
