Natural Remedies

Painful Rheumatoid Arthritis Nodules on Feet

Posted by Elizabeth (Me) on 08/05/2015

I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis in 2002. I am on the antibiotic protocol using Minocin Mon, Wed and Fridays. My biggest problem is the nodules on my feet that formed before I went on antibiotics. Before that I did all the toxic stuff, methotrexate, Enbrel, Humuria etc. They did not work at all for me and as I result of the two years on the toxic meds, the nodules formed. They are now very painful and my feet and legs hurt and want to cramp.

I take magnesium as well as magnesium lotion that I rub on feet and legs. I do not want surgery.

Looking for a natural treatment that will shrink or get rid of these nodules. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance. Elizabeth

Replied by Al H.
Homestead, Florida

Though controversial to some, I have removed many RA nodules with the following; DMSO & Baking Soda. Dmso will take any or everything through your skin into all tissue, all cells! Extreme caution is warranted...your hands are impossible to clean to a level that assures you are not introducing all the toxins of modern life that cling past scrubbings...ask any surgeon. So, your feet MUST be CLEAN!

My routine includes scrubbing by brush with; castile soap/Dawn/Cibaclens/alcohol/hydrogen peroxide/water! One at a time...takes a while but it really gets the skin's attention.

The Juice;

Mix 2 parts DMSO with 1 part distilled water (in sterilized glass container)..set will get hot for a bit, that's what it does. In another sterilized glass container combine 1 part baking soda and 1 part distilled water...when settled, there should be some baking soda on the bottom...agitate again...if there is no soda visible on the bottom add more till the water will carry no more...when the precipitate solution is clear pour off the clear into the DMSO solution. This mixture will last a long time and the cleanliness of your glass vessels will be a challenge over the course of treatment.

To treat, I use a glass object (pestle) that can be cleaned to spread the mix over each nodule...a glass eyedropper applies a bit to the skin and is rubbed about with the glass pestle...let sit for 15 minutes...rinse with water, a soap. The more frequent the applications the faster they go away...the dmso can irritate and will feel tingly on sensitive skin...feet should be no problem...if sensitive dilute the dmso further...just takes a little longer. About 2 weeks will do it.

Of the 30 or so I removed from my hands, 3 came back but did not last with another round with baking soda. It is a powerful alkaline that works WONDERS in or on our bodies. Been free of those painful bumps for 4 years now, can play guitar and cello without tortuous fingertips. Seems it will reduce/retard/calm? skin damage from sun...I'm a blue eyed white boy who works an orchard in South Florida...63 years...every day in our intense sunshine...turned around a lot of stuff I don't have names for that comes up on these weathered arms. I do not use sunscreen or wear much more than shoes and shorts...time will tell, but God has been good to me.

I hope this helps you with your condition and your life.

Replied by Elizabeth

Thank you for the information. I am new to this site, so your patience will be appreciated. I am also 63 years old, I have had the nodules for 15 years. They have become increasing larger and as a result more painful over the years until this year it is difficult to walk.

First question, do you think your method will work on nodules that have been there so long?

How did you arrive at your sterilization method?

How long do you spend applying each product?

It makes me a little nervous to think I might not get everything completely sterile and introduce an infection. What is cibaclens? Do you wear gloves?

Thank you again for responding.

Replied by Robert Henry
Ten Mile, Tn.

HI U AL H. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I am impressed, and will use this method to address some of my ails. It is all very logical.


Replied by Al Hudson
Homestead, Fl.

Elizabeth, I am glad that you are considering the healing possibilities of alkalization.

In answer to your question;

1) Yes, the time may have added callus tissue but with the painful growth gone the callus will match the change of need...and diminish.

2) My cleaning practices, and the dire warnings in my post...reflect my particular paranoia...and lack of real scientific knowledge! Sometimes a shotgun just seems to work best...Each step is a gentle dermabrasion with the brush... the 2 soaps seem to work on different things...Cibaclens is REALLY Hibaclens (sorry for the typo) an antiseptic skin cleanser that kills a lot of the living organisms on top of the skin left after the soap...alcohol will cut free many of the things you hoped Dawn would remove (oils/grease/petrochemicals) and disinfect some more...Hydrogen peroxide at 3% will disinfect and burn off many dead skin cells from the surface...water rinse gets us as close to clean as I have figured so far.....However, I know of many that use these products with little caution, fear, or apparent consequence! They don't say it, but I know they think I'm over the top.

3) I apply a very small amount ( so that it will not run) with the dropper and rub in with the pestle till most is absorbed...on callus, multiple thin coats at each application. Every application has negative effect on the nodules...2 applications a day was my practice...more might be better but time was a factor for me.

4) It is wise to be wary...I... am guilty of gross violations to my body with a lifetime of "hands on" experience with farm chemicals, Honestly, millions of mosquito bites ( I live 2 miles east of Everglades Park boundary) mechanical work with oils, grease, fuels and cleaners, Lead paint removal, Radon gas exposure that made front page of Miami Herald for days...My mantra for many years was..."mutate and conquer"...found I don't like the mutations! I have changed many things to atone for these sins...right now I'm much better off than I deserve!!! Please look further into systemic methods to alkalize, like TED's lemon juice/baking soda alkaline tonic...and dietary changes that will move your PH closer to balance. For some, this has been known to have positive effect in the control of RA. Go for the whole enchilada and beat those nodules and the RA that spawns them.

Replied by Al Hudson
Homestead, Fl.

Thanks ORH, If you have not already done so, please look into the practices of a Dr. Simoncini concerning baking soda/DMSO and cancer. Opened my mind to a world of possibilities... and most who know me would say that's doing something! Al

Replied by Elizabeth
Old Orchard Beach, Maine

I agree with you that being overly cautious is not a bad thing, especially when you are trying something new. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I have looked up DMSO and it comes in many forms, solvent, cream, gel, etc. I am assuming the liquid solvent is what you are referring to. Am I correct?

Replied by Al Hudson
Homestead, Fl.

Elizabeth, I have opened Earth Clinic and read the day's posts for years...received great benefits from the advise of many.I am happy to reply to you because RA was ruining my life and I am much better now. I am new to posting and hope to repay a fraction of my debt to this site and it's contributors.

DMSO takes itself and anything soluble through the skin...the purity of DMSO itself varies for it's usage...I opt for pharmaceutical grade liquid /brown glass bottle / Foam bottle cover. (keeps it at a stable temperature in storage). It is still not 100% DMSO...99.7%...that.3% still bothers me but this seemed to be the most reputable choice. I have used it on it's own and with other things to my benefit for 8 years. A real gift. If anyone reading posts knows of 100%...let us know????


Did you ever take food grade DMSO internally?