Seeking Advice for Sinus MRSA and Fungus, Remedies Not Helping
Any advice for sinuses. I have systemic fungal and MRSA both in the sinus. I got the BEG spray with added antifungal, not helping. Argentyn 23 silver didn't help.
Fungus is always tough to ged rid of. Try making nasal drops with baking soda and distilled water. Baking soda is a powerful anti fungal. Also take probiotics in liquid form or yoghurt daily.
If you can find a health practitioner versed in ozone therapy then do that as well. Ozone kills mrsa.
Alternatively you could megadose vitamin C. Take 1 to 2 thousand milligrams every hour. If you get diarrhea cut back on the dose. Vitamin c can cure many things. Google vitamin c and Linus Pauling. Good luck!
04/29/21 Update:
I would now recommend taking milk kefir over yoghurt. Kefir is far more effective in colonizing your intestines with beneficial bacteria and yeasts which constitute your microbiome and which in turn represents 80% of your immune system.
To Paracelsus:
I got systemic candida from antibiotics after I took them for ear infections, that I now believe were candida/fungal in the first place.
Anyway, I have an Ozone machine, didn't help either in the sinus. I was wondering if anyone has ever used peroxide nasal spray?
I am doing peroxide iv's with NP, not sure if that will help me either. I can only eat a few foods. All over body symptoms. I felt this travel all the way up through my body. I would wake up at night. I know, sounds like a horror story but true.
I would take Colloidal silver, wild oregano oil, raw garlic, and raw turmeric (especially) to kill the monster, something hot like cayenne or mustard seed powder to encourage decongestion, far infrared heat pad, massage of shoulders and neck to encourage circulation. Brewer's yeast has selenium and chromium. Kefir has probiotics and lysine.