Natural Remedies

Seeking Dosages For Yeast Infection In Dog

Posted by Jennifer (Austin, Texas) on 04/28/2015

Looking for dosages/amounts/frequencies to use for my 80-pound collie.

Anti-fungal shampoo with white-vinegar/water rinse - how frequent?

Yogurt with acidophilus - amount per day?

Acidophilus in pill form - dosage?

Also, any suggestions for where to look for a good non-commercial dog-food diet?

Thanks, all, for your advice and comments!

Replied by Theresa
Mpls., Mn

Hey Jennifer!

When dealing with a systemic yeast infection you will have to play it by ear, as treatment is not cut and dried but should be tailored to each individual pet.

I would do the antifungal baths as needed - that could be daily or every other day; eventually the itching will be kept at bay for longer intervals so you can cut back to a bath every 3 or 4 days - just keep an eye out and bathe when the itching returns.

I am not a fan of giving yogurt to supply acidophillus, I feel that some dogs will have stomach upset from the dairy, and besides the pills are far more concentrated than the dairy products without the added sugar.

Typical dosage for acidophillus pills is the same for humans - so 1 pill am and pm. What is key is to provide a variety of types of acidophillus, so try 1 brand and dose for 3 weeks, and then try another brand for 3 weeks and so on. You can 'over do' bacterial strains of acidophillus - meaning if you only use 1 kind you can over populate the gut so there is only 1 strain of flora, and this is just as bad as having no flora, so switch it up, rotating brands about every 3 weeks, and try as many different brands as possible. If you do not use up 1 bottle when you switch, keep it for later and cycle it back into the rotation at another time.

I was going to suggest Nulo for a kibble but you requesting a non-commercial dog food diet; google "home made diets for dogs" and "home made RAW diets for dogs" to find a non-commercial diet that you are comfortable and able to prepare.

Lastly, you might also consider Ted's Borax Protocol for pets to help combat systemic yeast.

Good luck and report back!