Natural Remedies

Seeking Help for Swelling in Breast

Posted by Kathers (Buffalo, Ny, Usa) on 12/31/2015 2 posts

I am an almost 52 yr old female, still menstruating although it's changing. Recently some soreness to left breast during menstruation in early December. Tenderness never left. Now left breast is about 30% larger than right and slightly tender. Any ideas? Leaving for a vacation later in week and don't want to schedule appointment until I return home

Replied by Happymomma5

I would try painting iodine on the area and see what happens. From what I have read, iodine has been able to decrease things like this.

Replied by Jess

Castor Oil massaged into the breast daily may help. Also, 1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar in water, to drink, daily.

Please get it checked out ASAP though. See if you can get a sonogram and not a mammogram. I think if you have a suspicious mammogram, they send you for a sonogram. Not worth the extra radiation, IMO.