Natural Remedies

Seeking Remedies for Mastalgia (Breast Pain) and Ibuprofen Alternative

Posted by Carolina09 (Maryland Baltimore) on 11/27/2015

I have severe case of mastalgia or breast pain and my doctor prescribed tamoxifen and ibuprofen for the pain. I'm looking for natural treatment with less or no side effects. Tamoxifen has side effects like uterine cancer, stroke, depression, mood swings, and more - my doctor told me about them. I thought ibuprofen is the lesser of the two evils but it seems I'm wrong, based on the posts here. Now I have two problems - mastalgia remedy and alternative to ibuprofen.

Kindly share your thoughts.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Carolina,

I am sorry to hear about the pain you are having!

I am wondering how old you are and if you notice a pattern to the pain (does it come before or during your cycles, or do you have it all the time?) Has this gone on for a long time?

Do you happen to have breast cysts? Do you take any medication or birth control pills?

I am quite hopeful that there is a solution to your pain, and then you could avoid the pain killers.

I can think of many things I would try in your situation, but it would be helpful to first understand your situation a little better.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, Philippines

Hi Carolina...Both ibruprofen and tamoxifen have considerable side-effects which are not good or pleasant with extended use. I would seriously consider trying the Iodine Protocol. You can use either Lugol's Iodine or Iodoral with the protocol but you must also take all the companion nutrients to avoid other issues.

Iodine supplementation will help to cure any cyst problem or pain in the breasts or uterus now and in the future. It will also safely reduce the excessive and dangerous oestrogen dominance and will also help to balance your hormones thus probably alleviating other hormonal issues that you may have as well.

You could also perhaps try applying iodine directly to your breast for direct transdermal absorption to the affected or painful areas. But this method isn't very efficient -- transdermal absorption is poor. Another better way(for more iodine absorption into the breasts) would be to combine DMSO(Dimethylsulfoxide) with lugol's iodine and apply that mix to the breast area. After the applied mix has dried -- rub aloe vera oil over the breast area to avoid sensitivity issues. Use a teaspoon of DMSO mixed with 10 drops of lugols iodine and apply directly to the breasts once a day. Always apply this mix as a 2 in square area on each breast and always apply it to a different area every day -- again to avoid sensitivity issues. DMSO's unique transdermal carrier properties will ensure that 80% of the applied iodine will be carried directly into the breast area. This method should act to cure your breast problems fairly quickly. Forgot to also mention that DMSO also acts as a safe anti-inflammatory and painkiller(with no dangerous side-effects).

You can buy Lugol's Iodine easily from internet vendors or perhaps at your local health shop. You can also buy DMSO dirctly from internet vendors such as here.

The Extra-Thyroidal Benefits of Iodine(PDF)

The main cause of these breast problems is generally because of a lack of iodine in the food and diet.