Natural Remedies

Skin On Chest Rough And Flat Skin Tags

Posted by Flying Frog (Grass Valley, Ca, Usa) on 03/23/2010

I love this site! Just getting started... The skin on my chest is very rough, numerous flat skin tags & many brown spots (I am 'white' & skin is very light), all from sun exposure no doubt plus posbl hormone imbalance etc (I am 65). I've seen many suggestions for removing skin tags that protrude, & the importance of putting removers ONLY on the tag, but what can I do to remove all these flat ones & the discolorations? Is there something I can just swab over the entire area without destroying too many healthy cells? Thank you, everyone!

Replied by Fran
Holcomb, Ms.

Pure essential oil of oregano, Works on moles too-