Natural Remedies

Staphylococcus in Nose

Posted by Lee (Sydney) on 11/15/2024

Hi, I've had sinus infections for years on & off. Recently went overseas and since coming back had post nasal drip for a few months. Went to my GP he did a nasal swab & its come back I have Staphylococcus aureus in my nose. I have to use the antibacterial ointmnt in my nose for 7 days plus oral antibiotics plus specal medicated body wash for 7 days to decolonise my nose. I will do this but my dr said its a very stubborn germ to get rid of. After following this regime I would like to go down a more natural route to prevent it coming back. Has anyone had this and able to elimate it or does anyone have any suggestion to prevent it from coming back. Im currently on Xarelto (blood thinner) so unable to take tumeric or garlic as it interacts. I was wondering it I could make a nasal spray but not sure what to use going forward. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Replied by Art
2412 posts

Hi Lee,

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) is a potent staphylococcus aureus (SA) inhibitor as well as an SA biofilm fighter, as discussed here :

Here is a relevant study quote :

' GSE showed antibacterial effects against methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant S. aureus (VRSA) in the disk diffusion test. Even at the lowest concentration, GSE showed antibacterial activity in the microdilution MIC test. As a result, we can conclude that GSE is a naturally derived antibacterial substance that exhibits a favorable antibacterial effect even at a very low concentration, so it is a good candidate for a natural substance that can be used to prevent or reduce nosocomial infections as coating for materials used in medical contexts or by mixing a small amount with other materials. '

And Here : had a significant degradation, 1B).

Here is a relevant study quote :

' GSE had a significant degradation effect on mature S. aureus and E. coli biofilms at 1/2 × MIC (12.5 µg/ml) and 1/8 × MIC (31.25 µg/ml), respectively (p < 0.05; Fig. 1B). '

Xylitol also inhibits SA and MRSA bacteria and biofilm as discussed here : present study showed xylitol, were studied separately or together.

Long term SA infections can develop biofilms which protect the SA bacteria from the bodies own antibacterial mechanisms as well as many antibiotics, so having the ability to breakdown biofilms is useful when fighting against SA and MRSA bacteria.

Given the above information, it is worth mentioning the nasal spray, called Xlear Nasal Spray contains both GSE and Xylitol. Here is an Amazon link to Xlear Nasal Spray (XNS) which is also available at many local drugstores :,aps,147&sr=8-1

Please read some of the over 33, 000 reviews to get a better idea of what people think of XNS for multiple sinus issues including bacterial infections.


Replied by Hollyhock

The first thing I would recommend for any sinus issue is colloidal silver! You can buy the nasal spray CS on Amazon. I always keep a bottle handy. CS can kill bacteria and viruses.

Replied by Lee

Thank you for your replies I will definately purchase these sprays online to try in the hope of preventing future bacteria after I finish my antibiotics. Your suggestions are greatly appreciated