Natural Remedies

Strange Sudden Illness

Posted by BevilNC (NC) on 12/23/2021

Had an odd week...not sure if perhaps I was exposed to someone who was vaxed and shedding spike proteins or what. (I have not taken the vax) Sunday I suddenly started running a fever and had serious muscle weakness and fatigue. I have continued like this for 4 days with no reprieve. No lung congestion, no nasal discharge, no stomach upset of any kind, no pain other than my neck feeling sore likely from glands swelling ...just sore neck, debilitating muscle fatigue and a fever around 101.7.

I immediately started mega dosing Liposomal C 18 k per day in divided doses, doubled my zinc, A, D, B complex, Quercetin, NAC, flush Niacin and took 20 mg of Melatonin 3xs a day, magnesium and selenium. No improvement.

On day two, I cleaned ears with peroxide and irrigated sinuses with saline, baking soda and peroxide just in case there was some bacteria harboring. Still no improvement and no change other than the ringing in my ears became very loud at that point. Neck pain, fatigue persistent fever and lethargy absolutely no other symptoms.

Tonight I took a really hot bath to which I added 3 TBS of Sodium ascorbate, 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup Borax and 2 TBSP of Sodium Thiosulfate and 1/2 a large bag of Epsom salt and soaked. Then I came down and drank 1/4 tsp of baking soda in water and put two drops of Lugols Iodine on my wrists and I now (45 minutes later) feel like a brand new person. Only remaining issue is this horribly loud high pitch buzzing in both ears.

This was the STRANGEST illness I have ever experienced. I will update tomorrow if the fever or weakness returns but the change after so many days to feeling 100% was just shockingly drastic. Not sure if it was the ingredients in the bath, the iodine or a combination.

Anyone else experiencing any odd synthetic feeling type illnesses?

Replied by Terri

Please keep us informed! Say more later on this...

Replied by BevilNC

I posted the original info in the wee hours of the morning on 12/23. Woke up later that morning after a few hours sleep with tremendous pain at the base of my skull, first thought was Holy heck I have meningitis. However after getting up and moving around it got better and I had no headache or issue with light. Did well till late afternoon and fever began to go back up (101.5) and by afternoon I developed two sore stiff feeling points on the bottom of the back of my neck on either side of the spine. Stayed on my earlier posted protocol and took another detox bath, doubling all ingredients, took some Bayer aspirin and went to bed feeling fine.

This morning I woke hurting near the front of my neck right where my clavicle meets the breast bone on both sides. Still absolutely no other symptoms save this blasted ringing in my ears. What is this strange MOVING pain around my neck? Fortunately we have a Doctor at the local Urgent Care who isn't all aboard this covid crazy train and doesn't require masks. I believe I am going to go see him today and let him get some blood work started and see what he thinks might be going on. I will continue to update you guys.

Replied by Betty

Please keep us updated.

I will be following this.

Replied by BevilNC

I was unable to see the Doctor. He was closed till Monday. The fever has continued. Remains around 99.5 even after the Bayer kicks in. Yesterday I began getting pains in the top of my stomach then had some stomach spasms or something. Ate a pudding cup and the spasms kicked in immediately causing me to throw up...never felt nauseous before during or after. Weakness returned and fever shot up to 102.1...the highest it has been. Horrible case of chills followed by sweating profusely. Ringing in ears has calmed down. Still just a fever and strange neck pains other than the stomach rejecting food. I assume the neck pains when waking up are my glands fighting what ever this is. My neck stiffness, tenderness gets better after I get up and start moving around. I am on day 7 with this mystery illness. Talked to my neighbor who is a Doctor...he said a virus can cause a fever for 10 days and some times as much as 14 but at day 10 you start to get concerned in an adult. I am thinking of starting a parasite cleanse tonight because I don't know what else to try but given the new stomach spasm thing I am unsure I want a tummy for of Diatomaceous Earth or Aztec Clay coming back up.

somewhere, europe

Bevil, for a start you can do h2o2 breathing. It has been helpful for a mystery illness by me.

Elsa D.
New Zealand

EMF (electro magnetic field)

try shungarite or Q/link pendant

Replied by Deirdre

So sorry!

Have you tried supplementing with potassium? That one really seems to help people feel better quickly. Activated charcoal might be helpful too. Most pharmacies will have the charcoal tablets if not and you might be able to find one open on X-mas.

Also check out all the posts from Art on high dose melatonin. Hope you feel better very soon!


Thank you. I am already doing the melatonin. I have charcoal caps and you are correct it may be easier than the Clay options if my stomach were to say NO. I took a potassium yesterday but may take another tonight.

2153 posts

Did you get a herx reaction to the Iodine and have you tried Colloidal Silver Nanoparticles?



Hi Art,

I take Iodine, borax, and sodium thiosulfate pretty regularly for years now so I don't think I get HERX reaction much any more. I took the last little bit of my colloidal silver on the first day of fever and being the Holidays couldn't get any shipped fast(no one sells it locally here). Last night I did the detox bath again then took internal Lugols as well as painted my wrists, I took my 9k Liposomal C then did another 4 k of Ascorbic Acid Powder with baking soda added right afterwards and this morning woke to a 98.6 degree temperature FINALLY.

I was taking pretty high doses of everything in my arsenal but was leery of going over the top and making myself worse...apparently over the top was exactly what was needed and when I did the Iodine and C in massive dosage together it was what tilted the balance. Hopefully this is over but I am going to continue massive doses of C and Lugols for a few days more along with the normal supporting supplements. I may never know what this was or was trying to be. I just know it was not a "normal" sickness. This was my first time even being sick in over 5 years. No one else in my house was ever ill. Lots of people are taking that VAX and they were out and about doing Holiday shopping in mass and my instinct is it may have been someone shedding those spike proteins. I had zero respiratory symptoms. Or any other virus type symptoms. Lots of vaxers incoherently spout off about being in fear of the unvaxed but the truth is the vaxed are scientifically a danger to us. They will continue to drive the new variants and shed these dangerous spike proteins until the masses wake up to the insanity. I am very thankful for EC community and all the excellent work and knowledge of the people here.


So I thought I was in the clear after a short reprieve tonight my neck at the base of my skull began to ache and ear ringing turned up and now fever is back at 100. Will be going to see a doc tomorrow to see about some tests/blood work and see if I can pinpoint what I may be dealing with. Wish me luck...I try to avoid Doctors at all costs and of all times to have to get involved with them this is not the best. Prayers if you pray please.

Thousand Islands

Have you been around those who were vaxxed? Or did you take the vax? I've been having weird headaches since being around my sister who was vaxxed.

Replied by BevilNC

So I went to the doctor today and after a full exam and determining that there was no sign of anything other than the fever and swollen glands it was 5:02 and the lab had just closed. Sooo I go tomorrow morning for blood work. He mentioned possibly Epstein Barr. But someone at my daughters work suggested it sounded like Cat Scratch Fever. I fancy myself pretty knowledgeable but I thought that was just a song. Anyway I adopted a kitten from a stray cat 3 months ago. A few weeks ago it scratched me pretty bad playing. After researching it looks like this could be it. I searched it by Cat Scratch Fever and its scientific name here on Earth Clinic but found nothing except one mention in passing on a post.

Has anyone here had it or are familiar with it? Any idea the workings of it, what might eradicate it or shorten the duration? Apparently, if that's what this turns out to be it could last for months. I am so weak and tired from the constant fever now. Today it has gotten as high as 103.2. I can't imagine feeling like this for months...I am only on day 11 and alternate from freezing to death to sweating profusely...muscles feel so weak.

Mama to Many

Dear BevilNC,

Two of my sons had Cat Scratch Fever 18 years ago! They were 3 and 7. They had swollen lymph nodes and on and off fever for longer than I was comfortable with so I took the three your old to the doctor. I was shocked with the diagnosis as I, too, had thought it was just a song.

He said they symptoms could come and go for three months and there was nothing to do for it. I don't recall doing much for it, but they were active little boys and recovered well and thoroughly from it with no long term ill effects.

However, if I or my children were diagnosed with it now, I would be more proactive. Here are things I would try:

Vitamin C 1,000 mg several times a day

fresh garlic every day, as much as tolerated in food. (Cat Scratch is a bacterial infection and garlic is anti-bacterial.)

Colloidal silver

Astragalus root (Cat Scratch is caused by the bacteria bartonella, which also causes Lyme. Astragalus is a good herb for Lyme.)

Avoid sugar as it weakens the immune system

Daily sunshine, if possible, Vitamin D either way

Extra Virgin Coconut oil - 1 -3 teaspoons three times a day, if you can tolerate it.

Baking soda baths (1 cup per bath)

Things to keep the lymph going - mini trampoline or even just sitting on the edge of the bed and bouncing. Castor oil and/or peppermint essential oil massaged into swollen lymph nodes a few times a day.

Plenty of fluids, including vinegar tea. 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, honey to sweeten, 6 ounces of water. a dash of cinnamon or cayenne if you like.

If you end up diagnosed with Epstein Barr, internal coconut oil is my number one suggestion. It was the game changer when my son had a bad case of mono (caused by Esptein Barr.) Another child, when he has mono symptoms flares up, usually feels better in a day or so with coconut oil.

Keep us posted!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Terri

Consider trying a half (or whole) teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water to alkalize your system. I use this quite regularly and am curious if it helps at all?


Thank you so much Mama to Many! Even the vampire lady at LabCorp had never heard of it.

I have everything on your list except the Astragalus root, I will see about ordering some tonight.


"vampire lady" LOL...that got me tickled!

Replied by BevilNC

Well I am back to square 1.

I tested negative for Cat Scratch Fever and my CBC panel was normal. I was given my results by the lab lady via the phone. I have ordered some MMS and as long as I don't seem to be getting any worse I may just give it a shot before deciding if I should proceed with requesting other tests.


Have you had a FULL vitamin/mineral panel done?

That might be helpful.

Replied by Charity
faithville, Us

Strangely seemed to be the Word/story of my life. The book the root canal coverup sheds insights into many diseases with no tooth pain. One can have an infection under a filling. And implants of hips or rods or things of the metal nature can get infected inside the body, as can mesh implants for bladders or hernias.

My mom got a staph infection in her spine that stopped the fluid to her brain and had to have emergency surgery to get it cleaned out and then long term anti biotics.She later had her pelvic mesh get infected and it got embedded in her tissue, so it couldn't be removed, and they used long term anti biotics on her and she lost her memory .

Certain overdose of one kind of nut is toxic like brazil, selenium, almonds almost have the highest cyanide in trace amounts, and there are other foods that can become toxic in the body, chocolate and beans have arginine and lower lysine making you more vulnerable to viruses. Iodine lowers selenium and makes you more vulnerable to cancer. Low taurine can make msg a problem for brain and heart. Low bile from stress hormone cortisol can make your gut health out of order and no absorption of your minerals for bones and teeth.

Dr. Eric Berg on you tube was saying gut bacteria in lower intestine can sneak up into upper intestine and cause infections with fevers.

My son had flu like symptoms for years until he got his tonsils out. One minute he was fine and then he would be very sick and he had been to the doctor many times.

My two favorite things are activated charcoal and castor oil, topical or internal or on large bandaids on the foot overnight to draw out toxins while I sleep.

coconut is wonderful for virus bacteria microbes and fungus, I try to ingest part of it daily in water, milk, oil, or topical on skin. It also heals the brain and heals from mouth to rectum.