Natural Remedies

Struggle Gaining Weight

Posted by Benjamin (Abroad, in South Africa ) on 07/16/2024

Good day Ted, I write concerning my difficulties in gaining weight. I am currently underweight by about 5kg according to my Body Mass Index (I know this is not the most accurate system). But basically, whether I eat a lot or not, I struggle to put anything on. I'm very active firstly, I might be considered a Vata Dosha type according to Ayurvedic medicine. I'm also a farmer so the toll on my body is severe. I don't take chronic meds but I do suffer from IBS and anxiety, as well as pain, mainly in my back and neck. I've tried various methods, such as taking L-lysine and L-arginine, lifting weights (I think I'm as ripped as I can be at this current weight, there's nothing more to add without mass gain), and I've tried eating foods but noticed no effects. Is there anything you could recommend or point out to me? This underweight struggle makes me feel sickly and my clothes don't fit well. I also take the impacts of work a lot harder because I have no buffer to take the shock. Any information or assistance will be highly appreciated. P.S. you mentioned that magnets must only be north orientated. Does this apply irregardless of which hemisphere you're in? Kind regards, Benjamin

Replied by Ruralady
44 posts

I was wondering if you have had bloodwork lately and if you have did your healthcare provider check your thyroid? You may have hyperthyroidism due to thyroiditis or an overactive thyroid gland. I can't diagnose you online but you should have your numbers checked. I had thyroiditis so severe that it caused me high output heart failure which feels like congestive heart failure. I also had your symptoms. However when they did my thyroid profile my T3 was normal low. I was lucky b/c my healthcare provider recommended me to an Endocrinologist who was considered the best in the state. She diagnosed me by squeezing my neck, it caused me to recoil in pain....that's thyroiditis and it's the most common and underdiagnosed thyroid condition. I eventually had to have a right lobectomy which cured it. That was almost twenty years ago but now Amazon has something that treats this and other hyperthyroid issues in order to save the thyroid and it's all natural. Good luck.

44 posts

Instead of posting my T3 I should have posted TSH. However my eyebrows were falling out and so was my hair. I was also hot all the time.