Natural Remedies

Sudden Onset of Arthritis-Like Symptoms in Hands and Wrists

Posted by Greta (Kamloops, BC Canada) on 12/26/2023

A week ago, I suddenly experienced arthritic- like pain in my lower arms, wrists and hands. I am unable to lift anything heavy as the whole area is so weak. Have not changed diet nor anything else in my life. It just showed up! One night it wracked my whole body - Advil helped! Have no other symptoms - I never get sick so this is puzzling. I don't know what to take! Have tried ACV in water - no benefit. Am interested in Borax both internally and externally. In the past I have used for parasites but seem to recall 1 tsp 3 times a day. For external use, what kind of lotion to add Borax to? Can I just use Borax out of the box with out grinding it down? Hoping someone can come up with help!! Why would this come up so suddenly? And please any and all suggestions are welcome. Also, where do I find an answer to this? I do not know where to look. Thank you for helping me.

Replied by Art
2340 posts

Hi Greta,

You may find the following page will answer many questions you may have regarding borax :


Replied by Wendy
Dublin, OH
24 posts

1. Are ticks still active in your area of Canada? You might want to have your doctor do a blood test to rule out Lyme disease. Per this EC site, "[The bloodtest] often tests negative, so if after testing negative you start getting arthritis symptoms, pain in joints, lethargy, mind fog, inability to move, get tested again."

2. Like you, I've experienced similar symptoms within the past couple of years, practically to the point of being unable to use my right hand! If you don't mind, may I ask your age and if you type on the computer/laptop/phone, and if so how long have you been typing on a keyboard?

Personally, I've been in the computer field and typing for 40+ years! Only within these past 2 years have I experienced sharp pain and strain in my right wrist & forearm. According to my orthopedist, it's basically tendinitis (not arthritis). Since the pain is in the tendon, I've already had the maximum of 3 cortisone injections in that tendon (any more injections would risk tendon rupture). The doctor recommends future surgery if the pain is unbearable, but I simply can't fathom the idea of being without the use of my right arm for 2-3 weeks!

I recently discovered the benefits of DMSO. I started using the application method described at this EC link (, and it works great for me. DMSO is also recommended for arthritis!

NOTE: If you decide to use DMSO, be sure to carefully & completely read all the recommendations on HOW to use it.

Replied by Hollyhock

To Greta from Kamloops, BC,,,,, please don't take borax 1 tsp 3 times a day! For women, it's 1/8 teaspoon a day 4 days on, 3 days off.

Replied by RB
Somewhere n Europe
85 posts


1) Borax seems to work for many people, but it is not the only remedy for arthritis.

2) I suggest you check out the link between arthritis and 25-OH-vitamin D levels. FYI -- in spite of articles like -- it is inversely proportional.

I sincerely hope this will help you, or somebody!