Seeking Support Groups for Low Thyroid, Covid +
I am feeling frustrated and isolated right now. It's great that a place like Earth Clinic exists to get some alternative information. I've been sick most of my life. As a child doctors always dismissed my health concerns. Of course I did not understand at the time that they thought they knew everything, but knew nothing about what was wrong with me and were not interested in finding out what was wrong with me because, they thought they knew everything, so I must be the problem!!! I'm sure this is not news to people here.
I seem to have a low functioning thyroid and was treated for that many decades ago and did well then. I feel like Istill have a low functioning thyroid, but everyone says I'm fine, that lots of things can look like a low functioning thyroid, so you need to treat that instead.
Right now I'm being treated for covid and I'm also drinking cistus incanus tea. It's supposed to be good for Lyme disease, Strep and associated infections. It has been surprisingly helpful for some health issues. Although more information on these issues would be helpful, right now I'm mostly looking for support groups for these issues. I really need contact with people who have some understanding of what I'm going through. Thank you.