Natural Remedies

Symptoms of Endometriosis?

Posted by Emma (Renfrewshire) on 02/24/2025


Hi, first time posting on here. I am 25 years old. Relatively healthy gym goer/active job. I suffered with painful periods as a teenager and was put on the contraceptive pill to help with this. I came off it around 21 years old to give my body a break. Around a year later the period pain returned. Over the past 3 years it has got progressively more painful and heavy. Every month I spend days in bed and usually vomit from the pain. I have also experienced fatigue and dizziness which I found was the result of a reoccurring iron deficiency and a folate deficiency. My GP has referred me to gynaecology but gynaecology will not see me until I try out some medication that they have prescribed (tranexamic acid) I feel like I have been brushed off and struggling to understand how I can possibly get a diagnosis when no one will even see me.

Replied by HisJewel
New York

Greetings Emma,

Welcome, I am so glad you found EC. There are many wonderful people to share with you here.

My daughter always had painful period in her youth. I was a stay on cause mom. Whatever we usually do, we were going to achieve sick or not. Her periods started when she was eleven. I did not want her to miss school. I would say, "it is your period you are going to get it every month." I would send her to school with a bag to throw up in. My generation was tough, but so were our parents.

Some months later, the New Year came in. After our regular New Year's prayer shut in, the church went on a "Chicken Diet Consecration." We were told to stay on it at least six weeks. The revivalist said if you make it past 3 days on the diet you will be able to complete it.

On this consecration, the chicken was to be boiled, or broiled only. To go with it you were only allowed: green beans, carrots, rice, water and apple juice. The apple juice was to keep the bowels going good. The list was all you could have, however you could eat as much as you want. This was the choice for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. No butter etc. we use the juices from the chicken to flavor the rice, because we were told not to add anything extra. If you wanted a hot drink it would be water or apple juice. We were told to continue our usual prescribed medications.

Well what do you know, my daughter had ZERO pain and No vomiting that month. After the consecration was over and we went back to what we usually eat, I would change her diet the week before her monthly was due. She had No red meat, No greasy or fried food. This worked for her and she had easier periods.
