Natural Remedies

Clarification on Ted's Remedies for Lung Cancer

Posted by Zoehoo (England) on 04/20/2017

My mum has small cell lung cancer just over year ago, her scans showed the chemo and radio therapy had shrunk the tumour to hardly there but she has recently had a relapse and has a tumour4cm. She cant have more radio in that area and they might offfer her more chemo but I would like to try other remedies. I've been reading lots of remedies from ted but its all very confusing for me, I need it putting in simple form. I'm really desperate and would appreciate any help and advise thankyou zoe

Replied by Timh
Louisville, Ky, Usa
2063 posts

1. Zero processed sugar and foods. 2. Hot baths of Epsom salt and borax. 3. Lipo Vitamin C. 4. Place heat pad over lung while breathing warm moist vapor of oil of eucalyptus. 5. Oral wormwood combination liquid or caps