Natural Remedies

Tinnitus, Inner Ear Swelling

Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 01/03/2025

All the comments are so interesting, thank you. I was diagnosed with SSCD, had surgery 2-1/2 years ago. Since the constant whish has become louder, vertigo occurs and it's miserable in restaurants, around more than 3-4 people, loud engines or mufflers - all will cause sudden hearing loss. It can take 2-4 days for hearing to return. I wear an ear plug that I can push in when a loud noise occurs. Keep extra pairs everywhere. A special MRI indicated my inner ear was swollen (we guess from surgery). The specialist (there's 3 in the US who perform this surgery) put me on acetazolamide for 6 weeks in hopes the swelling decreases. If it doesn't work, it sounds like he's about to throw his hands up in the air.

My nasal cavities are typically stuffed after a grandbaby lifted his head causing a deviated septum. I'm sure there's bacteria in there.

I'm going to try all these remedies, but if anyone has any other suggestions, please post. I just want, pray for my life back.

Replied by Sherri

Hello Marsh,

Sorry to hear about your condition.

Did anyone test your sinuses for chronic mold/fungal infection? Which also entails bacterial infections (STAPH). Or check for dental cavitations/abscesses?

This would seem to be very important considering:

1. The symptoms you list are classic for mold illness: vertigo, sinus congestion, tinnitus, bone/cell damage, deviated septum, hypersensitivities.

2. Chronic/acute infections in the sinus cavities easily travel to the ears through the Eustachian tube - fungal/mold, mycotoxins, bacteria, viruses.

3. The highly caustic and fat soluble nature of mycotoxins allow them to permeate the blood stream and damage any cell, tissue, organ and body system.

See an ENT who specializes in fungal/mold illness and get a nasal culture, urine mycotoxin test, and CT sinus scan without dye.

Consult with mold illness experts such as Dr Donald Dennis, MD, FACS (Atlanta Center for ENT), Dr Neil Nathan, MD, or Jill Crista, ND. May need and Endoscopic Cyclone procedure for symptom relief - see Dr Dennis for procedure description.

Wishing you answers and healing,
