Natural Remedies

Urgently Seeking Dental Abscess/Infection Remedies

Posted by Madeline (New York) on 05/22/2022

Hello All,

I am wondering whether anyone here can share success stories of healing abscesses and tooth infections by natural remedies. I am struggling with a decision between two scary procedures - a surgery (which involves drilling a piece of my jaw bone) vs. pulling the tooth out and getting the implants. Oh how I wish I could avoid that.

I see many wonderful remedies here, if I had months to try natural remedies and see what works I would, but leaving an infection untreated for long is also risky.

Does anyone have any reassuring success stories to share? What worked? How long did it take to understand if there are any results? Thank you

Replied by Art
2155 posts


A friend and myself have both stopped and reversed infections in the gums using colloidal silver. We used a cotton pad or cotton ball saturated in colloidal silver and placed it between the infected gum and the cheek. We replaced the pad at least 5 times per day. Sometimes I have pulled some of the cotton off of the cotton ball when it is a thick cotton ball. I have seen benefit begin within 24 hours, but continue using the CS soaked cotton pads until every indication of infection is gone.


Replied by Valerie

I would be very careful waiting too long with an abscessed tooth. The infection can lead to heart or brain infections. I had a 40 year old male patient once who had experienced a stroke related to the infection from an abscess tooth traveling to his brain. It can also travel to your heart causing endocarditis. Nothing to mess with, truly. Perhaps get treated by your dentist with this infection, and research natural treatments for future reference. Good luck.

Replied by Katzie

Colloidal Silver. Topically AND internally. Have taken out dental infections, with noticeable swelling, in mere hours!! Once at work in the morning, my infection was gone by the time I had to lead a team meeting at 2pm. Colloidal Silver, any brand.