Natural Remedies

Twenty Years of Chronic Sinus Issues, Please Help

Posted by Eve (Sydney Nsw) on 09/21/2020 17 posts

Can you help me? I can't get rid of my sinus issues, which causes post-nasal drip. I also have reflux. My throat always feels scratchy and I have regular coughing fits. I've had this for about 20 years since being in hospital with Crohn's disease. I don't have Crohn's disease anymore. I also have mild fatty liver and thrush. Eve

Replied by Cindy
Illinois, Usa
529 posts

Acid reflux and post nasal drip - or any thickened mucous situation - are both signs of dehydration. The acid reflux you can fix today - by drinking 16 oz of water. If you have trouble getting it down, drink it a couple ounces at a time but stop whatever else you're doing and stand or sit there until you get it all down. And from then on, set the timer on your phone to go off every two waking hours and drink 8 ounces of water every time it goes off. And drink it. No sipping. Stop whatever you're doing and drink it. It's only about 10 full-size gulps - no fudging and no sipping.

The post nasal drip may get worse, initially - though thinner - as the mucous membranes flush themselves out but the acid reflux will simply stop.

Mucous thickens to protect and close the "doors" in dehydrated membranes which, when properly hydrated, will constantly cycle surface fluid to rinse themselves, capturing, flushing out and preventing (or reducing) airborne particles, contaminants and toxins on their way to the lungs.

Keep in mind, a lot of people think drinking water "just" dilutes the acid, which it absolutely does but that's one of its many critical jobs. Diluting acid in the digestive tract, the blood and all the other fluids which become low in volume, concentrated, contaminated and more acidic when you're dehydrated.

Replied by Art
2422 posts

Hi Eve,

Sinus infections that are of such long duration are sometimes caused by biofilms that protect enough of the pathogen so that it can keep returning. There is a nasal spray with xylitol (one of the best sugar substitutes)in it that may help. The xylitol can eradicate some biofilms, but not all biofilms, so it will come down to trial and error. This particular product also contains grapefruit seed extract (GSE) which also has biofilm busting qualities so that should go well with the xylitol in the spray.

Here is a link to the nasal spray product :

There are multiple types of Xlear nasal sprays, but this is the specific one that has both xylitol and GSE in it. Good luck and please come back and let us know how it works for you!


Replied by Sabita
Orange City, Florida

I have had similar issues for years and what I find that helps the best is to do regular (two to three days) nose rinses with warm salty water with about three drops of hydrogen peroxide in it. I just use a cup and plug one side nostril and inhale liquid in other nostril enough so it enters my mouth. Two times in each nostril.

Replied by Eve
Sydney Australia

Thanks so so much for this excellent sounding advice, Sophie. I can't wait to try it. I'll let you know how it goes.

Replied by Gertjr

I would love to drink this much water. My son tells me the same thing you do--that most of us are chronically dehydrated. But, I can pee 5 times after 1 cup of water. How will I ever be able to drink as much as you say? I'm already stopping at the gas station to use the restroom on my 20 minute drive to work.

Replied by Cindy
Illinois, Usa
529 posts

You're not peeing the water you're drinking. Your body is greedily using up the water you're drinking to do as much as possible with what little it gets - as in flushing the overabundance of minerals in the dirty water it's been using because it isn't getting enough water.

When you're dehydrated, your body has no choice but to use dirty water, to ration water and to slowly SACRIFICE organs to save your heart and keep you conscious, so you can find water.

When the blood volume gets too low, it will simply knock you out, putting you on the floor so the heart doesn't explode trying to pump enough blood up to your brain to keep you conscious.

Your body knows what to do. It can clean itself up, repair itself, even repair what was damaged by the dehydration but everything it does requires you to drink water.

Replied by Junebug

Hi Eve,

How about trying serrapeptase? Whenever I take that, I can feel it clearing my sinuses. Perhaps you have a polyp issue you are not aware of.

Also, diet changes might help. You didn't mention what you eat. Gluten-free diet might be key as well as eliminating sugar.

Replied by Junebug

Hello GertJr,

I find that if I drink a cup of water after a meal, I don't have to pee as much. It's drinking water on an empty stomach that causes my frequent urination. Also, I find that if I have a protein smoothie at 6pm, which I was doing for dinner during the summer, it causes me to pee at least 2-3 times during the night, which is really strange, because they are so thick. But for me, the key to holding the hydration is to drink plenty of water after a meal... can be up to an hour after a meal. You might also want to experiment with puffed rice crackers. They may help. Eat one and then drink water.

Replied by Cindy
Illinois, Usa
529 posts

Is this a real thing? Are people deliberately dehydrating themselves to avoid peeing?

The water you drink on an empty stomach is put straight to work. The urinating you do after drinking water on an empty stomach is a sign of work the body is desperate to do but hadn't been able to do before you drank the water because you're dehydrated and you should thank God it's still able to DO that work in light of what you're doing to it by refusing to drink plain water!

That frequent urination and incontinence are both signs of some pretty serious dehydration. The dehydrated body doesn't throw plain water away like that. If it's dehydrated, it's operating in emergency mode which it absolutely must when you're refusing to let it do what needs to be done by refusing to give it plain water.

This isn't a matter of convenience. Not drinking water is bad enough but ingesting other things with the express purpose of deterring and preventing the body doing things it desperately needs to do is extremely dangerous. The fact that people aren't dropping in the streets is a shining testament to the body's ability to do what has to be done WHILE dealing with all of the substances you're ingesting in an effort to sabotage that work because people call them "symptoms".

If you don't believe it, take a weekend and drink water according to the timer on your phone, as I suggested - 8 little ounces every two waking hours - and see what happens. Don't over do it. Drinking water every two hours isn't always going to hit an empty stomach but give the body at least half an opportunity to restore some order to the critical state of its fluids. Forget about repairing damaged systems - that will take years - just give it some water. Plain water. Stop trying to tell it what to do because if it isn't getting a steady supply of water, it must stop its lifesaving efforts when its dehydrated or its restorative efforts once you give it what it needs to deal with your demands so it can get back to work.

Replied by Gertjr

Yes, I deliberately don't drink water so I don't have to pee. I don't think you understand what it's like to have to pee every 20 minutes, all day long. My job requires me to ride around with a deputy for many hours of the day. How long do you think that would last if we had to stop at least every 1/2 hour? Be realistic. I drink as much as I am able and that's it. I'm not losing my job because of bathroom trips. I stop enough because of my ibsd as it is.

Replied by Charity
Faithville, Us

I know a bit on this topic and I would encourage you to read Dr. Batmanghelidj book on water or watch on youtube his teachings. He does teach how to apply solution and gives detailed explanations of what is going on and why, so you can see an end in sight. Blessings, Charity

Replied by Cindy
Illinois, Usa
529 posts

That's why I suggested trying it on a weekend, meaning during a couple of days you aren't working. But if you prefer not, that's your choice. Obviously.

Replied by Anon
Not Canada

An old trick to avoid peeing is to take cloves.

You might also test your ph, or take a little baking soda with your water.