Two Types Of Restless Leg Syndrome
I have two different types of RLS.
The first is my right ankle and foot. About 30 years ago I badly sprained it. Over the last 2 years it has developed severe "twitching" when I try to go to sleep it will go from fully extended to pointing up. I happens every 15 to 40 seconds. It makes sleep almost impossible. By accident I found out that eating a banana or 2 about 30 minutes prior to bedtime makes it go away. Occasionally I forget to eat a banana and I get up to do so and the RLS goes away.
The second type happens in the morning and is much more severe, with cramping, charlie horses and vibrating my extremities until the entire bed shakes.
I have tried many things to stop the morning RLS including trying soap cures and nothing seems to help. I'll keep trying and report if I find something that works.
Somewhere, Europe