What Can Help Constant Infections On Paws Of Our Maltese
Hello, we have an 8 year old maltese, and about a year ago her 4 paws started to get infected. We took her to the vet, who described us some creams to put on her paws. Now we are exactly 1 year later and she bleeding out of infections on her paws constantly. We have spent thousands of dollar on the vet, to no avail. If there is someone out there who would have a suggestion, pls pls pls let us know. She is such a big part of our family, but we don't know how to go on. Her paws are all raw, and sooting blood. It's only her paws, , no other place on her body.
Please feed your dog raw grass fed meat with cooked mixed vegetables. Sweet potato, pumpkin, broccoli NOT ordinary potato mashed up NO GRAINS NO CANNED/PACKAGED FOOD. Put some apple cider vinegar in the drinking water. Your poor little dog is allergic so put some salt on his nose to make him thirsty . He should start to flush out the allergy
Take her off any medication and bathe her paws in weak salt water solution. The allergy is what is coming of her paws You should see a result as soon as you get the offending additive out of her body
Best wishes Jennifer. You can contact me pooch1n1 (at) bigpond.com I have 6 poodles between 3 -17 years old NO VETS, NO ILL HEALTH