Natural Remedies

What Is Best Treatment For Cats Solid Sarcoma Tumor

Posted by Kylie9 (Bristol, UK) on 03/22/2015

Please can you tell me whether Tumeric and coconut oil is useful for the treatment of solid sarcomas Tumours. I have been reading the other posts and it seems that it is good for treating cysts and fatty tumours but I'm not sure whether it would have any effect on solid tumours. My cat has a large tumour around her bottom and it is spreading up into her pelvis. The vet said they can operate to remove the tumour but they might not get all of it because it is in a very difficult position. She had a CT scan which showed a lot of fatty tissue around the advancing tumour which I'm hoping is protecting her from the cancer speading to her muscle and other tissues. I've read about the benefits of Tumeric treatment but worry as it seems to be good at reducing fatty tumours that I may cause my cat harm if I treat her with this causing a reduction in the fat cells around her tumour thus enabling the spread to her other tissues. Is there any other treatment that is recommended for solid sarcoma tumours? Many Thanks for you help.