Natural Remedies

What Remedies Can Heal a Black Widow Spider Bite?

Posted by Megan (Price, Tx) on 12/24/2015

My dad was bitten by a black widow spider and I am wondering what would be the best remedies to help it go away?

Replied by Mary

I was recently bitten by something poisonous and as most people would say, go see a Dr.but what I did was .. I took a writing pen and made a circle around the infected area, if the redness, swelling went past that mark I was going to see the Dr.

I went to the store and bought a clicker for the gas grill (under 5 buck) its usually red or orange in color and has a plunger on one end and you get a small electrical charge on the other no need to hook it up to the grill, just take it and plunge the skin.. click around the effected area and click inside the effected area, this has a small electrical charge that kills venom, this was my first time trying it so I also used benedryl twice a day, and I also used a drawing salve and kept it clean,

I was lucky the redness never spread past the ink, and it didn't leave a scar, but if this bite gets worse I would highly suggest going to the dr.