Natural Remedies

What Supplements Might Help Scratched Corneas?

Posted by Shandy (Limerick, Ireland) on 07/29/2015

My 25 year old daughter is being treated for scratched and scarred corneas, possibly due to ill fitting contact lenses. The swabs showed no bacteria or virus, just the abrasions are healing very, very slowly. She cannot wear contacts again until they are completely healed. She's a professional dancer with poor eyesight, so this is making life difficult for her. Does anyone have recommendations of vitamins/herbs etc. to take to speed the healing of scratched/scarred corneas (she is already using eye drops as directed by the doctor, I just wondered if there was some specific supplement she could also use.)


Replied by Namaw

I have corneal erosion, like scratches that don't get better. Tell her, whatever else she does, don't go back to contacts too soon. You don't want the issue I have.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Shandy,

Two things I would suggest you look into for your daugther's scratched/scarred corneas are castor oil and serrapeptase.

Castor Oil has been used in the eyes for a variety of conditions. One thing Castor Oil does is dissolve scar tissue. If you decide to use castor oil in your eyes, though, get a very high quality, cold pressed and hexane free product.

Serrapeptase is a supplement that some use to dissolve scar tissue.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Timh
2063 posts

S: This is a sign of antioxidant nutrient deficiency common in our modern toxic environment. Go to your local or online healthfood store and purchase an "Eye Health" formula containing as many of these ingredience as possible:

  • Lutein
  • Zeazanthin
  • Taurine
  • Vit-A
  • Zinc
  • Grapeseed and/or Pinebark extract
  • Eyebright herb
  • Bilberry herb

and consume lots of dark colored berries like Blueberry, Blackberry, Elderberry or a supplement complex containing Acai, Mangostein, Goji or Wolfberry.