Natural Remedies

Need Help for Yeast Issues in Both My Dogs

Posted by Susan C. (Colorado Springs ) on 02/18/2022

Hi, my name is Susan.

There is yeast in both of my dogs and the vet doesn't seem to be helping.

I'm going broke and I'm at my ends rope. Please can you help me?

Replied by Deirdre

Hi Susan,

I am sorry to hear about your dogs with yeast issues. I have a dog who has had A LOT of skin issues over the years, including yeast issues, and like you, I spent a lot at various vets, which never really helped.

What totally turned my dog around was putting him on a raw food diet. His skin started to clear up on the 2nd day, and a week or two later, all his yeast infection symptoms like flaking and itching were gone. He lost half his fur on his back and chest at one point after an allergy shot at the vet, and that too grew back very quickly on the new diet.

Colloidal silver at 20 ppm was also very helpful but never solved the yeast issue completely, but kept symptoms at a mininum.

Raw food diets are very pricey unfortunately if you have a big dog. But you can cut costs by finding recipes and making it yourself.

I give my dog Small Batch raw freeze-dried as he doesn't like the frozen ones but there are more and more good raw food brands on the market.

If you try a raw food diet, after the skin issues are gone, you could reintroduce a small amount of kibble to save on costs. But the minute you go back to all kibble, the yeast will return.

Wishing your pups a speedy recovery.

Deirdre from EC