Cat Ascites: Diagnosis and Remedy Help Needed
Does anyone have any cures for cat ascites or something to help ease the discomfort? My kitty has it bad and the vet is stumped what could be causing it ( it's not FIP or FIV and they can't find any cancer or heart issues, they did multiple scans, x rays and ultrasounds which just seems to have made her worse) and he can't drain any fluids for a few days until he's back in the clinic. She has trouble walking and doesn't want to eat. Any ideas what it could be or what to do for her discomfort? Any emergency treatments to help a cat that unwell?
Try this for your kitty ascites:
Materials needed:
– ½ teaspoon activated charcoal powder. Charcoal has the capability of adsorbing thousands of substances to its surface, giving it the reputable title of “universal antidote.” One of activated charcoal's benefits is that it has the ability to block the absorption of harmful and hazardous compounds into the body while simultaneously absorbing and ridding the body of dangerous elements that were already present.
(if you can't find it in powder form, the fish aquarium activated charcoal sold in the fish/pet supply dept at walmart will work, just grind it in a mortor and pestal til fine powder)
– 8 oz clean water
– Baby medicine syringe
Add ½ teaspoon activated charcoal to water and stir.
Load the medicine syringe with the resulting “slurry water” and force it down the kitty's throat. Do this until the kitty can't do anymore. The kitty should take at least 5 – 10ml. Repeat every 2-3 hours.
If the charcoal has no effect, switch to colloidal silver 10ppm.
Good luck...
If I don't know what or why, I just use activated charcoal. No need to worry about what the problem is.
One thing you can do is make a no-seeum mesh bag and put a piece of "cut-to-size" charcoal furnace filter or carbon weld cloth in it for them to lay on. If it begins to stink, discard and make a fresh one.
As long as the charcoal has trapping power, it won't stink. When it's trapped all it can hold, you'll be able to smell it. It will still draw, but it won't be able to trap what it draws. And you don't want that nasty stuff floating around so, when it stinks, lay it out in the sun to oxidize for a day before you put it in the garbage.