Natural Remedies

Comments To Advice Needed Regarding These Symptoms

Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 04/29/2011

Hi Robyn, I'm here to throw my support behind Joyce's and Carly's suggestions to you, and to press further the suggestion for you to consider B-12 supplementation. I'm coming out from a deep smog into a clearing of thought because of the actions of this supplement, so I do favor the use of it. I've searched natural treatments for CFS, MCS, and Fibromyalgia; they all include B-12 among their protocols. B-12 is also recommended for osteoporosis, any sort of brain dysfunction, and the full gamut of neurological problems including Pain.

I have found that B-12 has relieved nearly every pain for me, from head to toe. It has taken a lot of time, though, and I may have some permanent nerve damage from a long time deficiency, I've read, but I'm hopeful. So I urge you to either get your levels tested, if you have good medical care, or consider trying it for yourself. Good results may take 1-6 mnths. to manifest. I began my first month with 5000 -10,000 mcgs. daily, and then reduced to 1000-5000mcg. afterwards. I'm at 2500 mcg. Now, and I'll continue to observe results. I take a sublingual methylcobalamin because it absorbs into my blood more easily. I also take a good B-complex. Good Wishes.

Replied by Robyn
Melbourne, Australia

Hello, thanks - I have had b12 injections for quite some time. Because of Ted's posts about Bs especially for fms I got a good quality B supplement. No change. Had doc test my levels and they are 10 x what they should be. Because of the absolute fatigue I thought they might help me along a bit but I guess I overdid it. No help with not being able to sit up for more than an hr a day and none for the pain. I try everything on here but I havent nailed the real problem/s. You helped me a bit with the addisons which I havent nailed yet either. Obviously, the fatigue and pain is HUGELY disabling. I lie around like a vegetable. I can barely see the point of it. Thanks to you I do realise the pain can increase when I change the sodium/potassium ratio.

Replied by Michelle
Cambridge, Cambs / Uk

Dear Robyn, I read your letter with a little alarm, as you were describing my symptoms and mental state 2 years ago! I finally got diagnosed with a pituitary tumour. And lo and behold I kept reading and saw your diagnosis of a pit tumour. May I suggest most if not all of your terrible and debilitating symptoms are caused by this tumour, as were mine. You really need to get this origin of your problems dealt with. Have you had all the relevant endocrine tests done ? And the Dexa test ? My tumour has been operated on, and I am taking Growth Hormone every day, which has improved my mental outlook no end, even if I am still struggling physically, I am better equipped to deal with it. So my advice to you is to get the proper treatment for pituitary disease, as it all stems from there. Good luck. Michelle

Replied by Robyn
Melbourne, Australia

thank you for your interest. All doctors had refused to treat me as I have addisons also and become so allergic I would pass out in their waiting rooms. I pressed that dr for a brain scan because all my hormones were nil which found the tumor when they werent looking for one. The doc decided to do nothing about it nor the very advanced calcified arteries. I went to another doc who looked confused but no one wants to treat me. Im in the bad fms, cfs, mcs label and hence a lost cause. I tell them I get terrible migraines along with the bizarre symptoms but ?? When I went to a neurologist yrs ago she spent 5 mins testing my reflexes and that was it.

Replied by Robyn
Melbourne, Australia

Michelle, do you know the cause of your tumor? Does it have anything to do with the accumulation of calcium? and Ted mentions the bacteria that can hide in ca. And the flouride. Im trying to control this addisons and copper toxicity at the same time. thanks for your post.

Replied by Spiritmom
Fayetteville, Ar Usa

have you done any research on chelation theapy? what I've read in several books is this needs to be done in the vein not just with food.

Replied by Gavin
Manganui, Northland, New Zealand

Get some Ginger root from the vegie shop.. Cut about a square centimeter off it and cut it up very finely and swallow.. Do this three times a day and keep it up by about the third day you will start to experience relief from your pain. You can fry it a bit in the wok with some olive oil but use a bit more. The only thing to watch out for is if your pregnant smaller doses are recomended. Otherwise take as much as you can practically stand. In long usage it acts like cortico steroids but without the side effects. You can add Tumeric and Cayenne as they compliment it. But Ginger is the main ingredient. Failing that buy some capsules but the raw root is cheapest.

Replied by Merryanne
Orange City, Florida, Usa
113 posts

It could be yeast, possible candida. I sugest taking MSM, and a few weeks of nothing sweet while you take the MSM, and 2L of water each day. Merryanne in Central FL

Replied by Michelle
Cambridge, Cambs / Uk

Hi Robyn. They really don't know what causes pituitary tumours to grow. Mine is a non functioning pit tumour, and there are 4 main different types. I know how dreadful you feel, mentally and physically, and the pain you are in, and the exhaustion caused by some of your endocrine systems running on nil, whilst your Cortisol levels are probably soaring, making you stiff and leaching the calcium out of your bones! Ted has helped me beyond calculation, but I had to get properly diagnosed first, because so much goes wrong with this disease.

I will try to post the advice Ted gave me, after I check with him, when he is better.

I'm appalled you are not being properly treated for this. Go to a site called Mary o/ cushings, and join all the hundreds of people sharing their symptoms and treatments, and how to get treated to start with! So many doctors cannot understand this illness, and you can find sympathetic and knowledgable doctors who treat it, through this site. Your muscles are wasting away, this is just one of the horrible effects of a NFT, (non functioning tumour ), you will be feeling depressed, and isolated. All side effects as well. I know it is difficult to motivate a body so achingly weak, but you have to stop the disease before it gets any worse and things become harder to do.

You have to get correctly diagnosed by a sympathetic doctor, as the different tumours require different treatments. Then Teds protocols will keep the interloper at bay. Please e-mail directly if you want, and I will talk to you about my ongoing treatment. Michelle

Replied by Michelle
Cambridgec, Cambs / Uk

Robyn I have just reread your post, and it seems if you have addisons that you don't have enough cortisol ? Is this what your tests showed ?

I have to have blood tests every few months now, and I have to inject myself daily with growth hormone, because due to the tumour, I lost my muscle mass. It is now beginning to come back, but it takes a long time. I still can't walk very far, but I feel so much better in myself, and can take some interest in things again. Each of us who has an endo system failure, manifests many different symptoms, all unpleasant. We deal with each one as they come up, which is why you need to get the correct help as soon as possible, and with Ted's help, get on the road to recovery, from this life threatening disease. God bless, Michelle.

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines

Hi Robyn... Michelle is right. The primary cause of all your symptoms and other problems is a hormonal pituitary problem. The pituitary gland is THE Master Gland in the body. It controls and regulates growth, the adrenals, the thyroid and indirectly controls bone growth. There is no one herb or group of herbs that can substitute for these complex pituitary secretions and functions. So if the pituitary is insufficient, then it logically follows that the adrenals, thyroid etc will also be insufficient because they will be unregulated and uncontrolled by the pituitary gland.

If the pituitary gland is insufficient, then it will have widespread effects. You lack energy because you are probably hypothyroid as well as hypo-adrenal(Addison's Disease). Your thyroid controls your metabolic rate as well as bone formation by releasing calconin and the parathyroid hormone dissolves bone calcium into the blood. This should be in balance. With loss of pituitary function, and consequent depression of the thyroid, excess bone or calcium is being removed and released into the blood. This is what is causing your calcium build up and artery problems.

Bone formation is promoted by calconin from the thyroid -- which also promotes release of osteocalcin hormone from the bone. From recent research it has been found that osteocalcin also promotes the secretion of insulin from the pancreas as well as reducing insulin receptor resistance in the body. So if the pituitary is insufficient, then the thyroid will be insufficient, so bone building is not promoted together with insufficient osteocalcin and insulin -- which can lead to diabetes as well as osteoporosis.

The reason I'm describing these effects is to show how complex this pituitary hormonal problem is and to show some of the effects and relationships arising from just a depressed or insufficient pituitary gland.

The reason for the cyst on your pituitary gland is very likely because of excess fluoride and an excess build-up of calcium over the years. The best way to get rid of calcium from your body is to use a clacium chelating agents like EDTA or MSM or DMSO or Vitamin C(high dose) with magnesium. This will help to reduce the pain in the tissues, reduce the brain calcification in dementia, improve the fibro and address all the other excess calcium issues in the blood. Ted's alkalizing remedies will also help here.

Secondly, fluoride can be removed using borax(see the borax cures section on EC) or high dose lugol's iodine(2 - 4 drops/day of 5% lugols). Really, the only thing you can do is to try and resolve and reduce the root cause of the cyst problem by removing the excess calcium and the fluoride from your body and particularly from your brain.

Your cyst/tumor is probably growing on the anterior(front) part of the pituitary because this region governs the thyroid, adrenals etc. But there is another danger here -- because if your cyst/tumor is also growing underneath the pituitary, then this can result in pressure on the optic nerve from the cyst as it grows. If you also have blurred or double vision, than this is confirmation of this problem which can normally corrected by an operation.

Therefore, above all, you must have a proper diagnosis from your doctor. Don't just ask for a specialist diagnosis -- INSIST ON IT. And don't take no for an answer. Find a proper endocrinologist who knows his business. Ordinary GP's wont have a clue about such a complex pituitary problem.

Replied by Robyn
Melbourne, Australia

Hi Bill, thank you. Hair analysis says adrenals, thyroid, liver, pancreas, metabolism all struggling. Toxicities - lab even rang me to tell me worst copper they'd ever seen. My spine was calcified. Ca in tissues etc. The brain scan shows the ca in the arteries. I was worried about the pituatory because I have no hormones. I am menopausal but most menopausal women I know have some hormones. Mine are almost nil. However, when we altered the cortisol replacement the acth did go up so the pituatory is still doing something. The brain report apart from very advanced calcified arteries for my age and dementia on left frontal lobe (which I disagree with - I can remember too much) says basilar artery is quite dilated and there is an aneurysm at the tip. But its only small.

Ive been doing the borax and everything on here except the alkalisation - makes me severely ill & increases pain to unbearable levels. Because the aneurysm is so small I got myself a liver profile - doesnt look good, says stage 1 is ramped up way too high, stage 2 is too low and too slow. I guess that is why I am so allergic I cant go into a building. When I google my liver profile it says stage 1 makes minorly toxic material into very toxic even carconigenic and then stage 2 not working to carry it out of my body. So that gives some explanation as to why I pass out if I come into contact with another human being that has deodorant on or washed their hair in shampoo. Still, I have to get all this ca out of my arteries. Does excess ca lying in your tissues cause severe pain?

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines

Hi Robyn... The most problematic factor that you have -- the one causing the most problems -- is the excess calcium. Here is a post I wrote a while ago which illustrates the importance of magnesium in calcium regulation in the body tissues:

And the reason you are unable to take alkalizing is perhaps because of all the calcium in your blood anyway. I would suggest that you start taking 500 mgs magnesium citrate or magnesium gluconate twice day. Take this for a week then, if you start getting loose stools, cut back to 250mgs magnesium twice a day. This should greatly improve your calcium balance as well as reduce the tissue pain. By regulating and promoting the bone enzyme, osteocalcin, this will also have positive effects on your pancreas(as I described in my last post to you).

Since you have a problem with your liver and kidneys, I would also advise that you take some sort of protein enzyme to help clear the trash from your blood. Enzymes formulations such as those containing pancreatin, bromelain, papain, serrapeptase and nattokinase will help you tremendously here. This will help clear blockages in arteries and veins, are anti-inflammatory, help reduce pain, help to fight pathogens and should also help to reduce and clear your aneurysim problem. Take these enzymes outside mealtimes -- you want them absorbed and working in your blood and not used for food digestion.

The other fairly critical problem you have is you liver and kidneys -- which are insufficient in doing their job of clearing the trash from your blood. There are several options here. First and perhaps easiest is to just take 1000 mgs of Chanca Piedra three times a day at mealtimes. CP is a diuretic that will gently help to clear your blood of trash safely. CP is also highly protective for the liver, intestines and kidneys and will also help to lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Containdications for CP are that you must be careful or at least consult your doctor if you are already taking heart meds, blood pressure meds or diuretics now.

The reason you have so many allergies is because your liver cannot deal with the allergens and toxins in the blood properly. My extended explanation, which will help you understand the problem better, is here:

The above link provides a more complete therapy for your liver. If you do this therapy, ensure that you drink plenty of water as well as take mineral supplements as well -- due to its diuretic effect.

Taking two tablespoons of Virgin Coconut Oil per day will also give you extra energy and help protect the liver as well as help to fight viruses such as Epstein Barr -- which relates to your Fibromyalgia problems. See this link:

But don't forget to take the various calcium removing protocols I suggested in my last post. I would also detox heavy metals from your body -- another main caue of Fibro and glandular problems. This can be easily done by eating cilantro three times a week in salads or taking sodium thiosulfate drops everyday or simply supplementing with spirulina/chlorella everyday. This will all help to remove many of the causatve factors for your hypo-pituitary condition.

Lastly, your excessive copper problem can be helped by taking zinc acetate or zinc glutanate supplement. Zinc competes directly with copper in the absrbtion pathways in your body. The resultant outcome of excess copper intake is a sluggish thyroid, reduced body metabolism, with a consequent significant reduction in body energy. Taking 10 mgs zinc per day (or 25mgs every two days) should more than help to reduce your copper load, improve thyroid performance as well as act to considerably spruce up your immune system as well.

Replied by Robyn
Melbourne, Australia

Bill, thank you. You are so kind. I had studied all your posts and have been taking mg, enzymes, cilantro, spirulina, chlorella, zinc for a yr. Ive been oil pulling but because hair analysis suggested no oils as my liver is so bad I havent been taking any vco. And when I eat anything with any fat I am seriously ill. I guess its a good oil so I could try. We are backward here and chanca piedra not so easy to get. But I will. Ive been doing lugols and potassium - we have trouble getting that too. Also edta, Apple Cider Vinegar and lots of antioxidants. thanks again. In 27 yrs I havent been able to get a doctor interested. Just been left to scream in pain and live on morphine.

Replied by Robyn
Melbourne, Australia

Bill, just the high doses of mg Im worried about. The hair analysis says high metal in tissues except mercury but especially toxic ca, mg, copper. Blood mg is normal. So I was worried about taking any more mg. I opted for K2 for helping to get the ca out of my tissues and hopefully arteries and back into my bones. Yes I do have osteoperosis.

Replied by Julie
Spencerville, Md

Hi, just wondering...i was reading today that at least 1/2 the people that have CFS also have parasites, have u been checked? If so, all you'll need is a zapper, an electronic device that stimulates the killer cells back from atrophy to kill the parasites that are stealing all the nutrients from your food before they can get into the small intestine thereby starving you and your immune system. 8 out of 10 people have parasites and don't know it. Hope u are blessed by this info, take care