Natural Remedies

Daughter With Chronic Fatigue And Candida

Posted by Carol (New York) on 06/13/2011

My daughter has sufferred chronic fatigue for years and after being treated with antidepressants for some time decided to just put up with the fatigue. A few years ago she started showing signs of candida, she has tried the diet and has been to treatment centres but never seems to get better. She has recently married and this is putting terrible strain on her relationship particularily as she finds a sexual relationship very painful because of yeast infections. She is taking caprylic acid and no longer eats sugar wheat or dairy but nothing seems to improve. Her hair and is now falling out and she is losing the will to live.

After trying so many things to help her back to health and visiting a multitude of Dietitians, Naturepaths and doctors which proved to be of little benefit but costly, is there really any affective cure for this dreadful illness. Can anyone come up with something definative that will get rid of this once and for all. Does anyone know of any tests that can be done to prove the extent of the problem as regular doctors don't seem to be equiped to deal with Candida.

Replied by Gavin
Manganui, Northland, New Zealand

Fatigue.. Depression.. Hair falling out.. Candida? Sounds like a severe case of Vitamin B deficiency.. Plus a few trace minerals as well. For the candida soak a Tampon in coconut oil or yogurt.. Insert and change everyday. Start taking BSM. And B complex. ASAP. and dont forget the Boron.

Replied by Merryanne
Orange City, Florida, Usa
113 posts

I can only tell you the things I do for myself. If the yeast is starting to bother me I do:

1. 2 drops of 2% Loguls Iodine In 1/2 cup water 2 times a day

2. I buy magnesium crystals and make magnesium oil, 1 cup hot water and 1 cup crystals; then I take 1 teaspoon in juice every day, If there is any skin problem I apply it there (it really stings) and I put it on my head to be absorbed into my scalp to help my hair

3. Take 2 tablespoons ACV and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda let fizz add 1/2 cup water and drink down 2 times a day

I eat yogurt, I do not eat sugar, or sugary fruit, or white bread, no sugar drink, and NO artifical sweetners.

A woman can make a lite vinegar duche, and you can buy them already made, also soak a tampon in coconut oil and insert for several hours.

It will take several weeks to get it under control, and once under control some of the things have to be done all the time. It is a for ever battle. Be consistant in fighting this.

Merryanne in central Fl

Replied by Sue M.
Worden, Il. Usa

I'm listing a couple of options for you to check out in regards to your daughter's candida. 1) HEALINGNATURALLYBYBEE.COM and 2) Dr. William Crook--"The Yeast Connection"

The main healing product for me was VCO. You have to start out small and work up, but it kills the bacteria and keeps it under control. Hope this helps.