Natural Remedies

Dentist Says Need Surgery For Receding Gums

Posted by Dave (Ottawa, Canada) on 07/21/2011

Please help! I've been going to a periodontist for about a year and a half. We had the deep gum cleanings a few times and now he tells me he would like to have the gum flap surgery which I am trying to avoid. It's not cheap and also he can't guarantee it will resolve my issue and from doing research there is alot of pain involved, time off work and people who have had it done say they dont ever feel the same after.

So anyway, I found this site here, and it is interesting but a little confusing. So many different solutions but no clear one that people are using. I took the advice of some posters and started the following routine. Stopped using electric toothbrush for about a month now, I have been brushing with baking soda and ACV but I have to say I think the ACV is actually making my gums worse. Is the acidity not bad for your gums? Bought some Vitamic C, which I think helps. I bought bee propolis and apply it at night on my gums which makes my gums pink but is it really doing anything or is that just exterior? I need to be on the right path as I am too young to start losing teeth. Please help.

Replied by Debbie
Melbourne, Australia

Dave, I wouldn't use ACV on your teeth. It is very acidic and will erode your enamel. Vitamin C is very good for pockets. Also Niacin is very good for pockets.

From the website:

Comfrey root used as a tea:

1. "The root, " I said, "is the part we want to use. The root, tradition says, is for internal use, and the root is not to be taken raw. Instead, you make a decoction of the comfrey root. A decoction is basically just a boiled tea."

"And how do you make that decoction?" said Kate.

"First you have to take a bit of root, maybe a few inches of it, and wash it under water. Cut the root up, like you would a carrot, into slices or chunks. Put the pieces into a Pyrex or stainless steel saucepan with a cup or two of water. Bring it to a boil, boil it for five to ten minutes, and then let it sit and cool. The result is a dark-brown, not particularly bad tasting tea. A cup or two every other day will probably be enough."

"Where do I get comfrey root?" Kate asked.

"Probably at most herb stores. I got mine fresh from a farmer who was trying to get rid of it. Comfrey grows like a big weed: very fast. If you mow it down or try to plow it under, it just comes back. Even a little bit of fresh root will grow a new plant. I'm here to tell you, there is nothing to growing your own comfrey. Cheaper that way, too."

Vitamin C:

"True enough. The trick is to use a non-acidic form of vitamin C called calcium ascorbate. Topical calcium ascorbate will not sting even sore gums. You can obtain it as a powder, and spread about half a teaspoon on the gum surfaces. It has a bit of a metallic aftertaste, but its quite bearable. Hold it for about ten minutes, then rinse."

For two weeks, Kate did exactly that, plus drinking the comfrey decoction. However, she did not cancel her gum surgery.

After a pre-op examination, her dentist canceled it.

Also niacin is very good for your gums taken internally. Good luck

Replied by Rob
Manhattan, New York

Dave... My brother lives in Ottawa... But I believe you're not really interested in that... However... yes, absolutely stop using ACV on the teeth!!! This is a crazy idea! In fact, when drinking Apple Cider Vinegar use a straw to bypass the teeth as much as possible...

I have the same problem and my dentist suggested less aggressive brushing, with the softest bristle brush... also to gently stimulate my gums with the rubber toothpick device or thumbs..

What seems to be helping me as well is CoQ10, I take 100mg before bed, (it may give you vivid dreams)

about CoQ10 .... It has been shown to restore gum health by preventing the progress of gum diseases such as Pyrrohea and gingivitis, and increasing the rate of gum healing. Research has shown that diseased gums tend to have lower levels of Co-Q-10 than healthy gums.

I also take Pycnogenol with some Omega 3 oil before before bed.. They all work together to increase micro. circulation.

Also, when I floss I dab a little Theives oil, (I make this up from essential oils) on my thumb and fore finger and run the floss through it... then floss..

basic recipe is equal parts of lemon, euculyptus, cinnamon, clove, and rosemary essential oils. (about 20 drops each to 1/4 cup of olive, jojoba, almond oil carrier oil) google for other recipes... I also add Thyme...

...but really just a few drop of any anti-bacterial essential oil in a carrier would probably suffice..

& yes, a good non abrasive tooth powder might help... like Eco Dent.

keep smiling

Replied by Tina
Princeton, N J

Hey Rob! Excellent suggestions.... I am going to try them. I love the idea of coating the floss with anti-bacterial oil. Going to implement that into my nightly brushing routine from tonight. Thanks for sharing!

Replied by Along
Berkeley, California

Becareful about Comfrey. I had tried to buy comfrey tea before, thinking I could injest it as a tea. I went to a few herbal stores and finally found one that sold comfrey ointment only. I asked about the tea. The herbalist told me that it is NO LONGER safe NOR were they allowed to sell comfrey for internal uses. It was found to be linked to liver damage. Not so long afterwards, a few of my teachers told the class about this linkage as well. So just BE CAREFUL with comfrey.