Natural Remedies

Dog Sneezing From Allergies Causing Blood Loss - Seeking Remedies

Posted by MITZI (AUSTRALIA) on 06/07/2024

My dog sometimes sneezes for up to 30 seconds or more & loses an awful lot of blood

The blood is extremely thick much like tomato soup I don't use any poisons eg flea/tick product and only feed fresh food and veg I put a few drops of ACV in his water What else can I do please&thanku

Replied by Hollyhock

I would have him checked by a veterinarian for the dangerous "foxtail" seeds, they work their way in further and further causing so much pain!


Thank you, Hollyhock! I was going to write in with the same suggestion to check for foxtails. This was a well-known issue for dogs when I lived in CA.


Hi Hollyhock,

My dog had foxtails and fortunately the vet was experienced enough to know to look for them. He removed them and life was good for my dog again! They just work their way in and the part you would be able to see on the outside usually breaks off, so there is no apparent indication of a cause for the swelling.
