Natural Remedies

Excess Phlegm Affecting my Breathing

Posted by Paula (Canada) on 06/17/2024

Need help with excess phlegm that affects my breathing after having Covid pneumonia. It has been 3 years with a lot of suffering. I can't sleep at night I am constantly clearing my throat with so much Phlegm that blocks my airways. It causes me severe anxiety, it feels like I am suffocating 24/7.

I am not sure if it was the strong steroids I was on for the Pneumonia that caused this or something else. I didn't get any help from the doctors and all they do is guess.

I am struggling really bad and I have no quality of life. The lack of sleep is killing me. I feel all stuffed up all the time.

Does anyone have any idea what I can try to help my symptoms? As anyone experienced this?

Thank you, I appreciate all the help I can get.

Replied by Art
2302 posts

Hi Paula,

Have you tried N Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) for the excess phlegm post Covid? It acts as an anti mucolytic. It can thin mucous secretions to help them flow out better. It also acts as a potent antioxidant and anti inflammatory and helps with many lung related complications while increasing Nrf2 activation.

NAC also increases production of some of the bodies own antioxidants such as glutathione.

NAC has also shown some benefit for long covid. Dosing ranges from 600 mg once or twice a day up to 600 mg three times per day under a doctor's supervision. In my experience, I could not tolerate more than 3 times per day.



Yes. I tried taking NAC 1000mg twice a day and also 1200mg twice a day but I didn't feel any benefit. Do you have a brand that you recommend?

Thank you



Which brand(s) of NAc do yu find that work?

Many do not work and cause severe symptoms such as vomiting and or stomach pain and others... would these side effects be caused by a low quality NAC?

thank you

Replied by Rob

@ Paula

From the Book – The Divine Prescription - The Science of Health and Healing, 1995 By Gunther B. Paulien

Garlic is reportedly the oldest, safest, and surest remedy for ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and other RESPIRATORY AILMENTS. The Greek physician DIOSCORIDES specified garlic for all LUNG

DISORDERS. PLINY, that first century Roman naturalist maintained that garlic cured CONSUMPTION (TB). Against garlic, COLD, FLU VIRUS, and ALLERGY GERMS don't stand a chance. The ETHERS (solvents) of garlic are so potent that they DISSOLVE MUCUS in the sinuses, bronchial tubes, and lungs. Garlic is a widely used ANTIBIOTIC which has no harmful side effects, as might be evident with PENICILLIN. It is NATURE'S OWN ANTIBIOTIC. It contains a bacteriocide called CROTONALDEHYDE. There is no limit to the dosage, and no danger of disrupting the delicate relationships among the various bacteria that exist in our bodies. At the turn of the century, garlic ointments, compresses, and inhalents were the drug of choice against TUBERCULOSIS.

ALLIIN, which is the first substance isolated from garlic, is effective against the germs of SALMONELLA, DYSENTERY, STREPTOCOCCI, SCARLET FEVER, SEPSIS, DIPHTHERIA, ERYSIPELAS, and RHEUMATIC FEVER. ALICIN, another garlic ingredient, fights CONJUNCTIVITIS, PUTREFACTION, TYPHOID, CHOLERA, and TB. It destroys some germs even PENICILLIN won't touch, such as BACILLUS PARATYPHOID—A, which creates dysentery, rheumatism, and kidney complications. GARLIC VAPORS halt germs at a distance of 20 cm/8 inches away, and its germ killing power remains in the bloodstream for 10 hours.

Garlic has the ability to kill dangerous organisms without attacking the organisms vital to the body's health. There are many compounds used as medications which kill germs, but they have side effects which harm the body. For example, FORMALDEHYDE inactivates all viruses, but it also reacts with the body's own protein, and is therefore a deadly poison to the body. Many drugs used today are antagonistic to body processes, but because the reaction is not immediate, they continue to be used.

How to ingest:

Garlic in Juice

My room mate told me a trick that works wonders. I mince up four garlic cloves. You can also mash them. I put the minced garlic in a glass of grapefruit or orange juice. Wait about twenty minutes to steep. Then drink it. The grapefruit juice takes away the strong garlic taste. I've used this when getting flu or cold and it works every time. I had a bad cold coming on and had to do it three days in a row. I did this before going to bed. Each day I woke feeling great and the night started feeling sick again. So I would repeat til better.

The reason for the citrus juice is because you are probably already deficient in Vitamin C. Also look into Vitamin D3 too.



Thank you. I will try your remedy.

Replied by Bill

Hi Paula,

It really depends on how deep-seated the phlegm is in your lungs. I had similar problems after covid-19, but my phlegm always gathered in my throat and bronchial area, which I was always clearing. To waste no time, I will immediately describe what helped to resolve my own phlegm predicament that was so similar to yours.

The first thing that I would recommend is Ted from Bangkok's old remedy for reducing phlegm in the chest/throat regions. This is a simple but effective remedy: Every morning, on an empty stomach, you should supplement a half teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water then immediately drink another glass of water afterwards. The extra salt in the blood will automatically act to pull out and reduce any excess liquid phlegm from the nasal passages, from the throat/bronchials region and form the intestines.

The second worthwhile protocol that I would suggest for you is that you buy a standard nebulizer(not the small hand held type -- the larger one with a proper nose/mouth mask) and just nebulize a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution for 15 to 20 minutes twice a day. I normally just use a proper portable medical nebulizer and I use store bought 3% hydrogen peroxide(HP) but would not recommend that you use 3% HP strength since some people can be sensitive to nebulizing 3% hydrogen peroxide right off the bat. Using the proper medical nebulizer with a full mask is a must and is particularly useful because not only will it help disinfect the lungs and nasal passages but it will also kill any bacteria/fungi/viruses that tend to hide or breed in the large nasopharanx cavity(NPC) area that is situated directly behind the nose, thereby causing a build up of phlegm in the NPC which, I have found, always constantly drips that mucus from the upper NPC region onto the throat and bronchial regions(especially at night! ), thus causing continual clearance problems. I found that using a nebulizer with hydrogen peroxide was the most effective for disinfecting ALL affected regions, including the lungs, throat, nose and NPC. After all, if all these regions continually contain excess mucus, this, perhaps, would indicate an untreated and infected region that definitely needs disinfection and clearance.

You could also perhaps use a simple neti pot with 1% saline to help clear the nose and nasopharanx regions of phlegm.

And, particularly for the lungs, I would supplement all the B vitamins and supplement regular daily doses of N-Acetylcysteine(600 mg twice a day), Selenium(200 mcg once or twice a day) and Resveratrol(500mg twice a day) -- always taken at mealtimes.


Thank you Bill for your detailed explanation. How long did it take for you to feel 100%? Roughly, I know everyone is different. I will try everything you recommended.

Thank you


Hello Bill, I have tried nebulizing 1% Hydrogen peroxide twice a day and it makes my nose bleed and I sneeze a a lot while nebulizing and a little after. Is it possible that it's too strong for me or maybe I am allergic. What do you recommend?

Thank you


Replied by Vera

Paula, I have been doing a lot of research and some experimentation with lobelia. There are many stories documenting recovery from asthma and excess phlegm in the old literature, when lobelia was a popular remedy.

You can buy lobelia vinegar tincture online, and try it. That, and lobelia tea, was the most common application. It is the best bronchial relaxant herb there is.


Thank you. I will look into it.

Replied by EB


I used to wake up very early every morning literally unable to breath from phlegm in my chest, it was scary. My inhaler did not help. I found the remedy of ACV on earth clinic and that saved me. I took a tablespoon of ACV (with the mother) twice a day and on the third day I woke up clear, I could breathe. I was actually shocked! I wrote about it on earth clinic but for some reason it's not to be found.

I also gave some to my mother in law who was struggling to breathe for days. One dose and she brought up a huge ball of phlegm.

I hope this helps you, let us know.


Did you take ACV on an empty stomach? Was it before or after meals? The phlegm I have is 24/7. I never get a break from it.

Thank you

2302 posts

Hi Paula,

If NAC had no effect on your phlegm, you can try Mucinex D which will more potently thin the mucus. Mucinex and Mucinex D at night can cause insomnia in some people, but it can also cause sleepiness in other people. You will have to experiment to find which effect they have on you.




I have just finished reading all of the posts on nebulizing H2O2, using Bill Monroe's recipe. Many excellent results for mucus and more.


Thank you. Do you know if some NAC supplements work better than others? I appreciate your suggestions.

Thank you


I dont think it makes a difference if it's before or after meals. 1tablespoon in a glass of water.

What I had was different to you as in that after the morning problem the rest of the day was ok. But I would definitely try the ACV for constant phlegm. It's worth a try.


Is it from a post nasal drip?

Richmond Hill, canada

Thank you


The ear, nose mouth specialist told me I do not have post nasal drip.



I don't have a cough and the phlegm is very sticky that I can't cough it out.

Replied by Cindy
Illinois, USA
521 posts

Hi Paula!

I'm sorry I haven't commented sooner but your post sparked a memory and I've been exploring your issue, looking for the safest, most effective way to treat it and believe your best and safest bet is Barbara O'Neill's chopped onion on the bottom of your feet.

I say safest because it won't matter what else you've been doing, taking or trying, it's reported to have immediate respiratory effect and you don't need to know the cause.

Here is one of her videos about it.

Don't leave the chopped onion laying about for long as, apparently, it will collect surrounding germs. Whatever you don't use, put in a jar or glass and cover with honey. Cover the jar/glass and let set for a day, strain out the onion and you'll have an excellent respiratory/cough syrup that will keep for a very long time.

I'm going to go chop some onion of my own now so, tata! Let us know how it goes!


Thank you, Cindy. I will try these remedies.


Illinois, USA
521 posts

FINALLY got around to the chopped onion thing and HIGHLY recommend it! Despite it smelling like onion, it also smells quite fresh!

I refrained from cleaning the bathroom which gets quite humid and, sure enough, the onion I put in there was the gunkiest.

The one in the kitchen just looked like fresh cut onion but the ones in the living room got soft, looking like they were cooked, which seems a bit gunky, as well. Which makes sense because I smoke, but only at my desk- never in the kitchen or bath. Very interesting. Plus, it doesn't smell like smoke in the living room where my desk is!

Also experienced some sinus and bronchial drainage!

somewhere, europe

Paula, I'm not Bill, but I can tell you that H2O2 is effective even at a much smaller dose. So you can try diluting it, as it is clearly too strong right now.


Thank you. I will try it at a lower dose. Do you mind sharing what it helped you with.

somewhere, europe

Paula, over the years I've used it for any type of respiratory complaint: cough, colds, phlegm, sinuses, lungs etc. So far it has always helped, but I remember once noticing that reducing stress made it work much faster!

Richmond Hill, Canada

Thank you

somewhere, europe

By the way, Paula, I have never used it in a nebulizer. I take half a mug of boiling water, squirt in a bit of the plain 3% H2O2, and breathe in the fumes until they cool off.

I start with 3 times a day, then taper off as I get better.

Richmond Hill, Canada

Thank you for your help.

Replied by Paula

Hello everyone. I have been struggling still with my breathing issue with excess phlegm from Covid.

I believe now that my issue is from LPR (Silence reflux)

Does anyone have any recommendation to treat or manage LPR(silence reflux).

Diet and supplements would be appreciative.

I deal with it 24/7.

Thank you