Natural Remedies

Had Heart Attack And Clogged Heart Arteries

Posted by Annie (Jacksonville, NC) on 05/16/2009

I recently had a heart attack on 4-23-2009. I now have a stent in my left artery. I am doing good, thank the Lord. I have to go back on June 5 and do a stress test. The doctor said my right arteries are clogged. Please pray for my speedy recovery and good health. Thank you and may God bless your work and organization. Are there any remedies for clogged arteries? Annie

Replied by Rob
Manhattan, New York

Hi Annie
Look into Serrapeptase and Nattokinase natural enzymes that are claimed to help clear plaque. Of course run these by your doctor, especially because they are blood thinners and you don't want them to react with current medication...though he will probably know little about them..

Replied by Anonymous

I believe one of the best things you can do is change your diet.

whole grains, fruits, vegetables, good wholesome meats like fish, chicken, organic beef. examine any packaged foods for ingrediants that can be harmful by researching them online. the fda is allowing small amounts of cancer causing ingrediants to be put in foods and I'm sure they cause other problems too, heart disease, diabetes, ect. use good oils, extra virgin olive oil, safflower, ect, not soybean, corn, cottonseed. eliminate pork from your diet, do your research online and you will find out the diseases that this animal carries. eat lots of vegetables in the form of big delicious salads filled with wholesome vegetables, nuts, cheeses, healthy salad dressings.

buy yourself a _____ [blender] and yogurt maker. the ____ you can buy on ebay and the yogurt maker you can buy on amazon. with these you can make wonderful green smoothies filled with things like spinach, celery, fruit and whatever else you would like to put in it and with the yogurt maker you can make your own yogurt and make delicious fruit smoothies that will satisfy your sweet tooth and give you wonderful probiotics, I buy frozen fruit for them from the grocery.

I am speaking from experience as both my husband and I have been struggling with our health and this is what is helping heal us.

Replied by Anonymous

Have you read the book Left for Dead
by Dick Quinn?

It's a story about a man with severe heart problems and how he saves himself by taking cayenne pepper. carried this book at one time and hopefully they will restock it. Shirley's cafe has some interesting info on cayenne too. Also, would colostrum be helpful in healing your heart? Wishing you well!


"The best herb to help handle any heart or circulatory problem is cayenne. Also known as Capsicum, the botanical name being Capsicum frutescens. Cayenne is the species of capsicum that is used medicinally for its stimulant and antiseptic actions, as well as its digestive properties.

Internally, cayenne stimulates the heart, regulating the blood flow and strengthening the arteries and capillaries. If you want to get your blood flowing, and your face red with blood take cayenne tincture. It will not only get the blood pumped around your body, but it will strengthen your heart and clear your arteries. Cayenne can also be used externally for poor circulation and on unbroken chilblains, Cayenne is a wonderful herb.

Replied by Anonymous

Looks like you might be able to get the book Left for Dead at's used book section for only $0.01+ $3.99shipping. The author also mentions lecithin as being useful for heart health too.

Replied by joyce
Joelton, Tn
490 posts

For Annie from Jacksonville:

search window "potassium iodide" and pull up the Tahoma Clinic article. Dr. Wright recommends 4-6 drops SSKI in unchlorinated water once a day for several months to dissolve the cholesterol and flush it out. You will need to have follow your thyroid function as there is a slight risk of thyroid gland suppression with prolonged use.

Replied by Bb
Atlanta, Ga Usa

Enzymes are good for clearing plaque. Dr Cass Ingram suggests using bromelian & papain combo. Taken on an empty stomach. That way the enzymes go into the bloodstream instead of digesting food in the stomach.

Replied by Lecia
Copenhagen, Denmark

Please lower carbs intake and stop immediately with all vegetable oils! Take a look at:

Don't be afraid of eating eggs and fatty meat again! Our ancestors did, and they were healthy. Heavy consumption of vegetable oils started only a few decades ago, exactly when we started getting sick. Don't ever buy anything just because it's labeled that it's good for your heart! Throw that margarine out!

If you have 55 minutes, and want to hear it from a doctor, watch this video too:

Replied by
Niagarafalls, Ontario Canada

People have used various naturally occurring herbs and enzymes and some have also made cocktails, infusions, ointments etc to benefit certain conditions. Most of the time they have found themselves "lucky" to have a cure.

For heart disease we are talking, Regardless there has been no documented clinical evidence of coronary plaque regression, forming of new channels (collaterals), or clot busting action of such remidies. I'm not disagreeing that the treatments have not helped.

Medical knowlgde is very advance these days and in order to apply herbal treatments we need clinical evidence and most important underlying pathophysiology how these chemicals work. The fact is if used incorrectly there may give more harm then benefit. For example people who are already on anti platelet drugs like plavix effient or simple aspirin and concommitenty take Garlic are increase risk of bleed, and if that happen they have to stop plavix which means their stent is now prone to clog.

Let me jot down my personal experience and what I have found clinically productive alternative treatment.

Im a healthy young physician in early 40s who once happen to visit his friend cardiologist in his office for no reason. After chatting for a while I underwent stress test just for fun and surprisingly it turned out positive. I was not expecting this as I've active lifestyle and and have no symptoms. (Beside I do have elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure and a strong family history) To rule out this artifact on stress test, I decided to go for angio, and it showed multivessel involvement, most of them were >95% blocked with sluggish flow. Surprisingly this was all small vessel disease. All major ones were open, perhaps that's why I had no symptoms. The interventionist recommend 7-8 stents at least and couple he was not sure that they can be opened up.

Long story short I came home did a lot of research, travelled around the world to get some insight on alternative treatments and finally narrowed down to a few things in south france. Got all the selected stuff and made my own cocktail.

Just after 4 wks of treatment I underwent a repeat angio. Very interestingly my treatment was successfull and it did showed over all improvement, (e. g 60% block was open to 40%, unstentabe ones are now open to 85-90% and so on).

So this change was only over the span of one month. I'm sure if I've kept taking this aggressively for at least 4-6 months, there would be a big difference. Not only this, I also noticed, my heart rate also slowed down from 100s to 45-50, BP dropped from 180/95 to 120s/60s and lipid profile was normalized, especially triglycerides. Overall I'm feeling more energetic and can easily run couple of miles on 5 inclne at 5 speed on treadmill.

Thank you for reading this. Email me if you have any questions.

Note this remedy is not for everyone, I've to review your meds and health status before prescribing. I believe in God as He has not made any illness without a cure.

Thank you!!


I enjoyed reading your story and an interested in what treatment you used?

Replied by Epona
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Niagarafalls, let us know what you took and how much. Things that work need to be known. I don't take any medications and am in serious spot right now heart-wise and would like to know myself. It just isn't normal to be this bad off this young (in my opinion) as in uncivilized places people live much longer as long as war and drought passes them by. Thank you.

Replied by Pamela D.

What was in the cocktail you used?

Replied by Teresa

What was the cocktail mix?

Replied by Isabel
Tampa, Fl

Use cayenne pepper my brother in-law had 3 of 4 arteries clogged by 90% and lived more than 18 yrs also he used a lot of hot pepper on his food, you can read the book by Dr. Christopher he said that he never lost a patient that had a heart attack as long the patient was breathing and he only used cayenne pepper, also keep one pill with you, it will stop a heart attack immediately.