Natural Remedies

Healing Tooth Nerve Rather Than Root Canal

Posted by Nicholas (Edison, Nj) on 12/08/2013

I just read on EC about TED getting arrested. Now I know why he did not respond to my email about the following.

I was at the dentist a few months ago and he showed me an x-ray where the nerve in one tooth was expanding, not in good shape. He showed healthy nerves in other teeth, they were straight lines. I have experienced no bad symptoms at all. Of course, he recommends doing root-canal. I have done research and taken steps to heal, such as nutrition and herbal remedies. Don't know if it is healed. Can any of EC's readers provide holistic recommendations.

Replied by Om
Hope Bc Canada

Hi, Nicholas from Edison

All the info that you need is on or just google Paradise Now holistic tooth care. I found it and am doing my own "dentristy" All thee best, Om

Replied by Prioris


i am experimenting with microelectricity germ killer. It can be built for $35 from parts found in walmart. There have been many positive anectdotal reports about it's success. The plans for it can be found in the yahoo group. I would like to see more people experiment with this. This simple device could revolutionize grass roots do it yourself dentistry.

If someone has teeth with existing cavities and even teeth the doctor says you need to get a root canal, you should experiment with the device. It will take me 2 or 3 months to experiment with it.

You can find cheap $1 sponge paddles with handles on it at dollar store but I don't like the cheaper sponge. I changed to sponges around tooth brushes. The tooth brushes allow me more flexibility to place sponges on the teeth and outside the cheeks.

I would also buy some inexpensive amoxicillin antibiotics from pet place online. The reason for this is to allow one to buy a lot of time before allowing the dentist to pull or root canal any teeth. I always take it with some bromelaine. Also when your in pain, experimenting becomes impractical so antibiotic becomes nice to have.

So if you have cavities, infections or anything else, please help stamp out dentists by building and experimenting with the device.

I have used baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, oil pulling, hyaluronic acid. Each has helped my teeth. We just need to get at the internal infections in the microbe tubule.

I will give some anectdotal report on it hopefully in 3 months.

Replied by Om
Hope Bc Canada

Prioris from Fl.- hi, love your post. Looking forward to your follow up. I am forwarding you the link that has helped me tremendously. It is a very unique website with tons of info. on self preserving teeth instead having them out and not even able to afford those exorbitant fees. Some people have to take a loan and painfully have to pay up for months and months.

I had a sudden abcess flare up with swollen jaw and pain. I just took grey celtic salt and diluted it somewhat with water and kept it in my mouth all night. The pain upon taking the salt, diminished very much and disappeared quickly. A month later no recurrence. But I do oil pulling twice a day and a loose tooth is now much firmer in the socket than before. Cavities can also be dealt with which I do and while slow, seem to diminish. Gum pockets also have disappeared and the gums are much better.

I visited a dentist this year just to know if I had plaque. There was none due to my oil pulling now in the second year. I declined mercury filling and fluoride treatment and left the office. I was just amazed how common it is for people to have fluoride treatment without questioning the wisdom of it. There would be more to comment but let it suffice that I will not see a dentist that uses the present day money machine treatment. Om

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, Philippines

One of the remedies that Hulda Clark gives in her cancer book is simply to take a teaspoon of 25% DMSO as a mouthwash every day. Swish it in your mouth for a few minutes to allow time for the DMSO to penetrate the gums to help kill the all bacteria and fungus in the mouth, gums and teeth. Because of its widely known penetrative abilities, DMSO can also both penetrate the gums and tooth plaque to kill bacteria locally to help prevent peridontal disease and other problems. Dr Clark also says that doing this protocol will also help to penetrate root canals in order to disinfect these regions of disease. Here is the short snippet from her book:

“DMSO, 25% in water. Take one tsp. as a mouthwash, twice daily. Swish slowly over gums. Hold several minutes. Swallow for maximum effectiveness. This “pushes” your supplements into your tissues. It also helps to draw toxins out of cavitations. You may add wintergreen drops to the mouthwash. 50% DMSO is preferred, if available. Must be edible quality.”

Source: The Cure for All Advanced Cancers

From my own way of thinking, I will probably be adding either lugol's iodine or SSKI(Saturated Solution of Potassium Iodide) to the DMSO mouthwash in order to turn it into a much stronger pathogen killer and use it as a mouthwash like that. I've just order a batch of pure DMSO so I'll report back on this mouthwash use in a few months. At the moment I only have the roll form of DMSO which contains other unnecessary added ingredients.


I am just wondering if I can do this with temporary filling to heal my inflamed nerve after deeper drilling when my amalgam was removed. I still have 2 silver fillings so I am thinking if this dmso mouth wash won't dissolve the mercury too.

Replied by Prioris

I have read the website and similar websites throughout the years but they simply don't address dental situations that are more urgent and serious. One of the practical problems in dental health is that dental health can be neglected or lax during various throughout a persons life times for many reasons so teeth infection can take hold. Some people have web pages saying that sugar needs to be eliminated. That just isn't being practical. Most of the natural remedies are for less serious tooth problems or prevention.

There are natural remedies for gum infections such as baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, oil pulling and even supplements along with other things.Tooth cavities can even be remineralized.

Remedies that are directed at dulling the pain may be useful short term but that is not useful in circumventing the dentist for serious problems. It is more important that the destruction caused by the bacteria needs to be stopped. The bacteria feed on sugar and grow more serious. Baking soda can help interfere with the process. I haven't found any herbs etc that have similar bacteria killing power to antibiotic amoxicillin. There might be something else out there but I don't know about it. I want to cut any damage as soon as I can.

So anything that eventually causes me to end up at the dentist costing a lot of money and /or loss of teeth integrity I deem a failure.

The area that needs to be advanced is deeply infected teeth especially within the microtubules. This usually causes the removal of the tooth or root canals or necessitates tooth destruction and expensive caps.

There is an benign antibiotic technique in japan that eliminates the infection without removal of tooth or need for root canal and has been available for some years. Sadly, this is not available in the US because dentistry is all about the money. That procedure still costs some big bucks which doesn't make sense. The few dentists who try to provide a few alternatives are so few and very scattered throughout the country that they are mostly irrelevant except for people who have money and can travel.

The reason the government doesn't cover dental health especially for adults is because they know it is at the root of many health problems. The ADA colludes with them. For most of the dentists at bottom of the chain, it's about the money. Dentistry like conventional medicine is in a disgusting state. I want to eliminate the dentists from my life especially as it relates to tooth infection.

As far as taking out a loan, many people have no credit history so can't get even a loan. The cost of dental care is outrageous to boot. This is why I am experimenting with microelectricgermkiller.

Replied by Prioris

Thanks for the information on DMSO. Someone told me some time back that it has helped their teeth but again - will it truly work on teeth that normally get pulled. I will experiment with that.

I have experimented a little with DMSO and antibiotics in the past. I used it in the inside of the gum and teeth area. 99% dmso will burn a little on the inside layer of the cheek causing some of the inside skin to peel off. No big deal but that is the reason why one wants to dilute it enough.

When DMSO is mixed into any solution e.g. mouthwash, it should be used immediately since it's effect will be neutralized the longer it stays in the solution like probably in minutes.

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, Philippines

Hi Prioris...Regarding DMSO helping loose wobbly teeth that normally get pulled, I would say that, yes, it would help to recover that tooth because it can penetrate deep into the gums and carry other chemicals and nutrients with it. As I've already said, I would probably add lugol's iodine or SSKI to the DMSO to make it a stronger anti-pathogen. I also forgot to mention that DMSO is a remarkably fast-acting anti-inflammatory and painkiller. Another different method that has worked well for me was using just turpentine -- pine oil from Pinus sylvestris(essential oil). Earlier this year, I had a painful, loose and wobbly tooth near my incisors which I thought would definitely need to be pulled. I had decided to take turpentine with molasses internally to see its effect on my intestines but, after using the turpentine internally for only about a month, I suddenly realized that my painful and wobbly tooth was no longer painful or wobbly. It was firm and healed. So I have continued to use the turpentine in a different way -- a few drops on my finger placed onto the tongue several times a day. Pine oil or turpentine contains large amounts of beneficial iso-pinenes which are easily and quickly absorbed through the skin (ditto for the gums). Pinenes are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-micoplasma. Turpentine is easily absorbed into the gums. I think that these are the main reasons why using turpentine worked so well and so quickly on my wobbly tooth.

Replied by Susan

Attn: Bill From San Fernando regarding 25% DMSO. Bill, do you mean 25% pure DMSO and 75% water as mouth wash?

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, Philipines

Hi Susan....Yes, you can use 25% DMSO and 75% water as a mouthwash. Hulda Clark also mentions that the 50%-50% DMSO/Water mix is perhaps better to use as a mouthwash..If you use higher than 50% DMSO then this might cause some burning in the gums.

Replied by Grateful For Bill And Earth Clinic!
Love And Light To All!

Hi Bill,

Thank you so much for all of your great posts on Earth Clinic. Your post are so helpful.

Question re:12/12/2013: Bill from San Fernando, Philipines: "Hi Susan....Yes, you can use 25% DMSO and 75% water as a mouthwash. Hulda Clark also mentions that the 50%-50% DMSO/Water mix is perhaps better to use as a mouthwash..If you use higher than 50% DMSO then this might cause some burning in the gums."

Would MSM be just as effective in place of the DMSO. Thank you!

Replied by Prioris

At the store, I found Pure Gum Spirits Turpentine from Klean Strip. It says it is natures solvent. Is this the turpentine oil that you talk about? I tend to go 50/50 dmso to water.

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, Philippines

Hi Prioris...As long as the Turpentine is only derived from the pine tree resin with no additives, then it is pure gum turps which can be used. Another that can be used is Klean-Strip 1 Kerosene as advised by Walter Last here. Another one that can be used is Humco Pure Gum Spirits Turpentine.

Replied by Peter

Crush one b100 complex pill in to a powder put in a plastic container with a lid, dip cotton swab into powder, apply on gums before going to bed every day or couple times a week sure cure!

Replied by Denise

What type of oil do you use for oil pulling? Great information.. thanks. Any follow up?

Replied by Marsh57

Hi Denise, you can find the list here on EC. Type 'oil pulling' in search bar or

Replied by Susana
London, Uk

What kind of water? Is ionised or distilled better?

How about colloidal silver with DMSO?

Healing For Good
New England

Per Dr. Amandha Vollmer (Naturopathic Dr. in Canada) —

Here are my protocols for healing the mouth (and body via the mouth) of disease:

First brush with my remineralizing tooth soap or toothpowder.

Then add 6 drops of MMS in a clean, dry glass, add ½ teaspoon of vinegar, lemon, or lime, wait three minutes and add ¼ glass of distilled water then add 6 drops of DMSO. Use this solution to brush the teeth. Use a new solution every morning. Do not leave this solution in the mouth for longer than 60 seconds.

Then rinse the mouth with this mouthwash: Take a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of salt in one cup of water and use as a mouth wash twice a day after brushing. If there are any infections in the mouth, this should take care of it.

Also use 1 ounce twice a day of a colloidal silver mouthwash with or without DMSO. Do this other times of the day if possible. Swish the silver and then swallow or spit. Reduce grains while you are healing and take topical magnesium (EASE) and all the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and boron.

Replied by Jon

Will DMSO have any adverse reactions with my amalgam filling, I had problems using MMS.

Replied by Helen
Victoria, Australia

Hi, I too am interested in using DMSO but have several amalgam fillings. I have a tooth infection under an amalgam filling. I have tried many of the remedies described on EC and have found I can reduce the swelling and as I haven't experienced pain I have put off having the tooth extracted. I am reluctant to have the tooth removed but do not want the infection to spread. Does anyone have any suggestions ie DMSO MMS? Thank you.

Replied by Dymphna
Miami, Fl

Please share the link you mentioned.