Natural Remedies

Fg 35% Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment Mistake - Need Advice

Posted by TABATHA (Tampa, Florida) on 08/31/2024

My husband and I started the 35% drops into Distilled Water treatment and were on 6 drops a day and everything was going fine and my husband felt the neuropathy in his feet going away and he could move his legs better and on his first treatment for the day BY MISTAKE he drank his 6 drops in 3% FG peroxide insteead of Distilled Water. We can't believe he made that mistake and he threw up twice and laid down for a bit then tried to drink plain water and threw up again (foamy). HE HAS TAKEN NO MORE OF THE DROPS and now today, the 2nd day after he did this, he ate oatmeal and had some more plain water. He peed last night twice and a bit this morning but now this afternoon- he says he is not peeing and that is very unusual for him and he's afraid he's messed up his kidneys. Does someone know what is going on or what we should do (I understand I can take him to the hospital) but has anyone else made a mistake this stupid and has some good advice? I'm trying to find out what this can do to the kidneys. I hope it hasn't done permanent damage. Can anyone help?

Replied by Art
2270 posts


It is best to go to the emergency room first.

If that is not possible for some reason, the following would be worth considering :

Hydrogen peroxide (HP) is a highly potent oxidant and N Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a potent antioxidant that can help neutralize it, taken at the maximum dose level indicated on the bottle of NAC.

Melatonin can help mitigate damage caused by excess oxidative stress as a result of too much hydrogen peroxide intake. Melatonin can also increase catalase production in the body which is a potent neutralizer of HP. Go with melatonin tabs that can dissolve in the mouth to try and increase bioavailability or use melatonin lotion to increase the length of time that melatonin is available to the body per application when compared to oral melatonin or do both

I explain how to make melatonin lotion here :

Drink plenty of water to dilute and flush excess HP from the body.

If these steps don't improve things fairly quickly, it is time to see the doctor!


Tampa, Fl

Hi, Art, thank you for your quick response. After I sent this query in I called the hosp. and they referred me to a Nursing line and they referred me to Poison Control. Those people were very helpful and did not reprimand us for using peroxide. She said to see if he could urinate by night and if not go to ER. Well it turned out he could so we didn't. I do have NAC on hand as I take that myself for lung issues so I'll give him the max which my doc says I can have 1800 mg. Today my husband was a bit disturbed because he hadn't had a bowel movement (I hate talking about this) so I told him tomorrow being Monday he might call his MD and get his bloodwork moved up and casually mention his bathroom problem if it's still an issue. He's not ready he says for the ER. He's eating well and everything else seems OK and he is still belching which the Poison gal said was going to be normal. And I have told him he needs to flush with water, but he does what he wants and it's not as much as I would think he should drink but he's making an attempt. I will read your instructions for the Melatonin. Thank you again, Art, I appreciate all this good information!!


2270 posts

Hi again, Tabatha.

You didn't say how much of the 3% HP your husband drank, but because it is a very potent antimicrobial, it probably was very harsh on the gut microflora and this can result in constipation or diarrhea when the gut microbiome becomes perturbed. He can try magnesium citrate to try and get things moving again. I would consider the maximum label recommended dose.

Here is a link to a typical product and the recommended dose on the label is 3 capsules or 400 mg of magnesium from magnesium citrate :


Tampa, FL

Hi, Art - I've been reading all your info on everything all day. Amazing work you do! Sorry for leaving out a step - I told myself I'd put in 'all' the information needed because I do see that many leave out a step or two so it's hard to know exactly what they're doing, and here I go doing the same thing. OK, my husband took the 35% drops (6 that day) with his 6-8oz. of the 'wrong' water. I won't repeat it in case someone reads the wrong thing. (the mistake was made because we had the 3% and the Distilled water both in gallon jugs in the laundry room sink. He knew that's where I kept the distilled and he just grabbed one of the jugs. I took your advice and today we bought Melatonin time released 10 mg and my QUESTION TODAY is 'considering that he wants to start over again with the peroxide from Day 1 (One Minute Cure) probably once he can get the bathroom problem clearly fixed, how long should he continue the Melatonin because if it is a neutralizer of the peroxide, wouldn't that defeat the purpose?' I wouldn't think he needs Melatonin on a regular basis as he sleeps really well (he's 94 btw and he's a big guy) and he takes mulltitudes of vits and supplements.

(And I want to thank u here for your advice on the Melatonin for spinal issues as that all applies to me.)


2270 posts

Hi Tabatha,

If he is going to start the hydrogen peroxide drops again, then don't take the NAC or the melatonin anymore, unless he runs into a problem after he gets up toward the higher drop levels per day.

The magnesium citrate is to help counteract the constipation.


Tampa, FL

Art - Before I could tell him what u recommended he bought a stool softener Tues AM. I don't know what it was. Anyway I'll find out tomorrow (Wed) what results are. What did u mean re not taking the NAC or Melatonin 'UNLESS HE RUNS INTO A PROBLEM as he gets into the higher drop levels?' You mean making the same mistake?? why? AND we'll stop the NAC and Melatonin for him, as u suggest.

Re the max dose of NAC which I have been taking for 15+ years (which I need for emphysema, asthma, bronchitis), should I not take it anymore as I am also drinking the H2o2? Should I have never started the H2o2? I'm on 12 drops today (35% in 8 oz dist. water) and I've taken the NAC every day - is it stopping the peroxide from working or is some damage being done? I don't really understand how it all works. Should I stop the NAC temporarily (it's built up in my system) while doing the peroxide and what would I do when I get down to the Maintenance dose? The reason I am doing the peroxide is to try to heal my lungs or 'cure' emphysema or make the whole situation better so I can breathe better and live longer. And to detox and make a better environment all around.

Also, Art, I will not take the Melatonin either (that 10 mg we got knocked us both out - we barely could stay awake all day.) BUT after reading your article on the topic I want to start Melatonin at some point to help spinal issues (3 of them). Can I start on it after the peroxide treatment is over or is it really not ever over because I'd have to maintain at 3 drops per day?

I Googled 'what does Melatonin do to an H2o2 treatment' but I didn't fully understand any of the several answers - it says it increases catalase and that's a good thing, I thought - and 'Melatonin is an antioxidant and peroxide is an oxidant' - How do the cells get extra oxygen if the peroxide is causing oxidation or the antioxidants are 'scavenging' and yet we need antioxidants so somewhere there must be a conflict? Can u pls explain in a clear way, not so scientific so that I can understand if this H2o2 treatment is something I should even be doing? Am I doing damage somehow?

I take many antioxidants so are they all negatively affecting the peroxide? I take them after the food so then there are 3 hrs before the next drink of H2o2. Why are we doing peroxide in the first place if antioxidants affect it? I'm sorry this is so long but I'm a bit nervous and need to know what to do. Thank you!


2270 posts

Hi Tabatha,

The theory, by some is that one way that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) may work in humans is that when it enters the system, because it is a potent oxidant, catalase, a natural antioxidant produced by the body neutralizes the H2O2 into water and oxygen. This is how the oxygen is derived and the water is harmless. On the other hand, some feel that the amount of oxygen generated from the small amount of H2O2 taken in is insufficient to have significant positive health effects. I don't know the answer to that question. The body produces H2O2 naturally on its own and one way it utilizes the H2O2 is via its potent antimicrobial properties.

The reason I said to use the NAC and melatonin if you run into problems as your dose increases is because it is possible to have insufficient catalase available to neutralize or fully neutralize the H2O2 and then you will experience the results of having too much H2O2 in your system for the available catalase to neutralize and my impression is that may make you feel not well through symptoms such as fatigue or generally not feeling well. Then the NAC and melatonin might be useful to help to try to normalize the system again.

I don't use H2O2 in this way, because it is too potent of an oxidant for my system.


2270 posts

Hi again, Tabatha.

I forgot to answer your first question, why not to take NAC and melatonin alongside H2O2? The reason is so you can see exactly what the H2O2 is doing to your body. Both NAC and melatonin can have positive health effects in humans, animals and plants and you don't want those to confuse the issue.


Tampa, FL

Hi again, Art, (this print is tiny, I hope it enlarges when I submit it).

Re your 1st para - thank you for that explanation - If catalase is an antioxident then supposedly the NAC and the Melatonin also antioxidents, are working the same way?? Catalase neutralises and so do the other two. So might they also neutralize the H2o2 into water and oxygen? Does that sound feasible? Or is catalase working differently because it's produced by the body? You see, I was thinking (last night) that 'neutralize' meant 'cancel out' in which case the peroxide would not work at all and that's why I thought I should stop the NAC... But if the other two antioxidants work the same way as catalase then the NAC w/b beneficial as maybe it would make more oxygen? (Too bad I didn't like science in school!!! ) RE: Your 2nd para. here is a quote from ::Posted by Swfowkes (Cupertino, California) on 03/12/2017 46 posts ★★★★★ "Hydrogen peroxide tolerance builds up over time. Each time you expose yourself to a dose of hydrogen peroxide, you stimulate your production of catalase and glutathione peroxidase, which dismutate the extra hydrogen peroxide. So with regular exposure, your levels of these enzymes goes up, allowing a bigger dose to be tolerated. And with cessation of exposure, the enzymes drop back to their regular levels. " (Dismutation is a chemical reaction that involves the simultaneous oxidation and reduction of a compound)

2270 posts

Hi Tabatha,

You are talking about two different people and situations now, your husband and now you. Previously I was mainly discussing your husbands situation which is different than yours as he was the one who essentially overdosed on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). I was discussing ideas regarding him and he was not already taking NAC.

You were already taking NAC and you were already well aware of what, if anything, it is doing for you prior to adding the H2O2. So no need for you to stop taking NAC because of the addition of H2O2.

I thought that I had explained about the NAC and melatonin both being potent antioxidants, but I must not have done a very good job of that. The reason I was saying your husband should not take them if he is going to restart H2O2 is so he would know exactly how he is reacting to the H2O2 without those two coloring the effects of the H2O2, but he should keep those on hand in case he runs into a problem once he gets to higher doses of H2O2. Once he knows how he reacted to the H2O2, he can consider NAC or melatonin or both if he chooses to.

Btw, starting at 10 mg of melatonin is a lot for many people. When I was taking 132 mg of oral melatonin a day, I had to work up to that dose and any time I added to my existing dose, I felt the excess next day tiredness, but that gradually went away over about two weeks. Now, because I am using melatonin lotion that I make and oral melatonin everyday, I am probably getting much more melatonin per day, but it does not cause next day tiredness for me any more. Everyone seems to respond differently to melatonin. I happen to have a very high tolerance to it.

All of the previous replies are based on the assumption that the health benefits that are purported to be derived from H2O2 are based on the theory that the extra oxygen derived from the neutralization of H2O2 by catalase is what offers any benefit from taking H2O2. That is not actually proven yet as the reason for any benefit. As I mentioned before, I haven't used this therapy myself and don't, because I feel I am very sensitive to H2O2.

Catalase is catalase and it will neutralize H2O2 by converting it to water and oxygen, so it no longer acts as a potent oxidant. Melatonin increases catalase production by the body as does NAC.

The quote you referred to assumes that the bodies own antioxidant system is functioning properly and this is not always the case.

A poster on this forum that I replied to who was also testing H2O2, found that the higher he went in terms of dose, the worse he felt and the lower his energy level went. I suggested that he stop H2O2 for a week to see how he felt at the end of a week and he wrote back and said he felt better in a day or two, but he said he wanted to start again. I asked him why he was taking H2O2, and he said to see if it would make him feel better. I think I asked him if he was feeling bad before he started H2O2 and he said no.



I know, Art, I did get myself involved but my husband was getting better and you relieved our concern about him. He is doing fine and started back on H2o2 today, fully aware that he shouldn't make that mistake again.

Re ME - thank you for all u wrote today - and you did do a good job explaining the antioxidants - I did understand - I just assumed they'd act like catalase. Today you've explained really well how that all works. And I will keep up the NAC seeing what you have said about that.

I had read that post you answered in the past and I wondered too why he did it. I think we all learn about this H2o2 from different sources and so it would depend on what we were told or read. I was given the book to read and even though I feel great my lungs have problems, but our son-in-law got rid of his Vietnam chemical problems after doing this treatment a few years ago. He might have talked us into doing this treatment to see what it would do for us as he was really excited about it and hs wife too. My husband felt his neuropathy going away after 2 days (incredible) and I actually saw him pick his legs up one over the other (just crossing his legs) which he never could do before due to stiffness - after 2 days! So he is very excited to see how much that might progress. ME? I haven't noticed a thing yet at 13 drops! If I get no results this way I may go on to the H2o2 IVs or the Inhaling method which I think most people seem to be doing for the lungs.

Thank you, Art, I appreciate your time and PATIENCE!!


2270 posts

You're welcome, Tabatha!

In my original reply to you, I forgot to mention about your hypothyroid. Making sure your vitamin D (25 OH d level) is in the upper half of the reference range may be helpful. The reference range for vitamin D level is 30 - 100 ng/ml. Being in the upper half of this range may be useful. Vitamin D works slowly for autoimmune hypothyroid, but over enough time begins to show its benefits as discussed in the following new study (August 2024) :

Here is a relevant quote from the systematic review of multiple randomized placebo controlled trials (RCTs) :

' All randomized clinical trials within the last 10 years, which fit the study criteria, were included. These studies showed varying results based on follow-up duration. Short-term studies (three months or less) demonstrated no significant changes in mean TSH, T3, or T4 levels compared to the control group with vitamin D supplementation. However, all of the long-term studies (greater than three months) indicated significant improvements compared to the control in mean TSH, T3, and T4 levels. Additionally, all long-term studies that compared TSH, T3, and T4 to baseline levels revealed significant changes by the trial's end. '


Tampa, FL

Hi, Art, Oh - more excitement! Yes, my Vit. D levels are up there. I've been on D3 for many years and knew about higher levels so been taking 5000 mg a day for years. My first reading I think was 70+ and it did drop down another time to below 50 (don't know why now) but it should be back up since I've kept my dosage up in Multi Vit. and Calcium supp. They both have large qtys of D3 totalling a little more than 5000. I haven't got time now to read the article u sent but I will tomorrow. I wonder if u know which is most important for the Dr. to evaluate, T3 or T4 Free. The latter is what my Dr. asks for. Mine was 1.1 last mo. (range 1.8) And my TSH reads high at 6.86 (higher than I've had it in years and I'm on Synthroid .05. My prev. Dr. used the TSH but I do understand that is not an adequate way to assess but even so it has never been that high since I first got on Synthroid (then it was 10. something). Anyway I'll stop there. I could write a book about medical questions:)


2270 posts

Hi Tabatha,

I replied to your reply two days ago, but unfortunately it never posted. So very quickly, I agree with your doctor on T4.

You might consider zinc to better regulate T3, T4 and TSH.
