Natural Remedies

30 Years of IBS-D, Now Have New Symptoms

Posted by Jeff (Atco, Nj) on 01/13/2018 5 posts


Been a while since I posted but that was about my pup. Anyway, I am a 51yo male. I have had either IBS-D or possibly Celiac for many years, since I was around 20. I have been on a medicine called Cholestyramine (Questran) for helping with diarrhea. It use to help a lot but not so much in the past few years. Still if I was not taking it, I would not be able to work, I have it that bad. Anyway, in the past 2 years I have started having other issues. They are Muscle stiffness and muscle craps, especially after any exertion (i have my own construction buss). And after doing normal stuff I actually tore my calf muscle 2 months ago. I did nothing out of the norm that it should have happened. I felt my muscles in my calves getting stiff and slight aching pain and then pop in my left calf. Also have chronic canker sores, a little patch of eczema behind my left ear, bad short term memory loss. Cold feet. Probably a little more than occasional headaches. Very tired with normal sleep. Sometimes aching pains. Thats about what I can think of. I am overweight at 280 at 5' 10". 2 years ago I got off all gluten. I have tried just about everything you can think of to help my main condition from peppermint, to acidophilus to whatever else is out there. But my main concern right now is the newer symptoms in the last couple years. I had a blood test that showed the only thing that was low was my Vit D at 17. I have been taking a good Vit D3 supplement for the past 2 months but no improvement in symptoms. So I am wondering if anyone else out there has had symptoms like this. I have a strong suspicion that it is because of the Questran I am taking. I take it 3 times a day and have been taking it for 30 years. It has a binding agent to help bind bile salts and I know I have read some stuff on the net that although rare, it can deplete vitamins or minerals in the body. But as of yet I am unable to figure out what. I have taken Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium supplements along with a B complex and multi. Still no improvements. Just hoping someone else might have some suggestions.

Replied by Gert

Cholestiramine binds with fats in your foods and transports them out with the waste. The label says that it can interfere with medications and absorbtion of fat-soluble vitamins. I would assume that any vitamin/mineral/nutrient that binds with fat would also be absorbed and eliminated. Try to take your supplements at least an hour before or 2 hours after taking cholestiramine. I, too, have ibs d and have a terrible time getting enough potassium & magnesium. Try soaking in epsom salts or applying magnesium oil. Lack of proper minerals can cause the symptoms that you have, but good luck getting a dr to address it. They are clueless.