Natural Remedies

Long Term Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Bokka on 04/29/2011

I am your admirer for your knowledge and contributions on Earth Clinic. The site is doing excellent service to humanity.

can I have your expert advise on the Long Term side Effects of ACV.

The thread of questions and responses from some members is extracted for your ready information on the concerns.

Thanking You.

04/27/2008: Toni from Los Angeles, CA writes: "Question: I have been drinking 2 tablespoons of Braggs Apple Cidar vinegar with 8 oz of water for about a year now. It helps me maintain my weight but recently I have heard some very disturbing things about long term side effects, including vaginal dryness, bone density and lowering your potassium. Can you please tell me if any of these sides effects are true?"

04/11/2011: James from Milwaukee, Wi replies: "Just make sure to eat a banana, take a calcium supplement, and a d3 supplement at least once every day. Voila!"

04/20/2011: Bokka from Austin, Tx, Usa replies: "I have also similar concerns as Toni.

I have been using one Table spoon of ACV(Bragg organic) with One Fourth Tea Spoon Baking Soda, Half Tea Spoon honey in Eight ounces of hot water twice in a day for the past six months.

I feel that this is keeping me in good health. However, the information on the risks of using ACV shown in the webmd website, is perturbing me and has disturbed my routine.

It is stated "Long-term use of apple cider vinegar could cause low potassium levels and lower bone density".

The web link is as below

I wish to know, if there are any studies to prove if long term use of ACV causes low potassium and lowers bone density?

What is the period of usage to be called as long-term use?

Are there any safe limits( daily dose, period of usage) established for use of ACV?

Would remedies suggested by James offset the risk?

Hope that Some one would answer/ share knowledge on above.

Ted, would you please advise?

- Bokka"

04/22/2011: Diamond from Salisbury, Ma.usa replies: "I always say;when in doubt do nothing.
I have serious issues bone density, therefore I can no longer take ACV if I do it will be far, few and in between, like once a year, as my bones are very thin. Good luck.

Thank you Ted.

Replied by Ben
Ashland, Oh

Use your judgement, but read ALL the material:

The WebMD article suggests the side effects of the long-term use of ACV, BUT GOES ON (if you click the "Side Effects" tab within the article) to state that the case they are referring to was a person who drank a full 8 oz. per DAY, for 6 years.

That's an awful lot, and it's important that people understand the following:

A little bit of something "bad" is not always bad (ie ice cream, chocolate, etc.)

And a lot of something good is not always good.