Natural Remedies

Natural Treatments for Porokeratosis?

Posted by Andy (Brooklyn, NY) on 03/03/2021

Hello how are you, I would like to find out if there is a natural treatment for porokeratosis?



Replied by Katy
New York

I'd try either apple cider vinegar (ACV) or Castor oil. One or the other for a week or two to see if working..can always switch after a while if needed. When trying something new ALWAYS start with very small area first. I have used small cotton round that women use to remove make up as they are flat and inexpensive...cut a small square the size of area...and put a few drops of the ACV or Oil on the small square. Make wet enough, but not dripping. Place over area..and then I use medical tape (I get at dollar store) to put over and hold in place. Leave on as long as possible or overnight. Repeat daily.

I'm sure you'll get other input from others here!