Natural Remedies

Need Solutions For Vaginal Dryness

Posted by Kerry (Portland, Oregon) on 01/31/2010

I always come to your site to find solutions to all my problems (well, health problems anyway) and was slightly disappointed that vaginal dryness was not on your list of ailments. Is there any way I can get some posts started on this topic? I know someone mentioned something on vitamin E on a different page, but wasn't sure if this is something common or just worked for her personally. thanks.

Replied by Susan
Dallas, Tx

Try coconut oil as a lubricant. It is natural and healthy for this delicate area.

Replied by Meg
Seattle, Wa

Any herb with phytoestrogens could help this problem. A phytoestrogen is a plants form of estrogen, creating an estrogen-like effect in your body. Some of these plants include: fenugreek, pueraria mirifica, fennel, black cohosh, and dong quai. These herbs are also used in natural breast enhancing pills. You can get most of these at vitamin stores, and fennel you might even find in your kitchen!

*IMPORTANT* - Pregnant women should not take these, they can relax the muscles in the uterus and potentially cause a miscarriage. Some are even used to induce child birth!

I take 610mg of fennugreek three times a day in capsule form, you can also open the capsule into hot water and make tea with it! This works out great for me, it also supports the sugar metabolism, which is good for keeping your blood sugar low. Fenugreek has been used traditionally to treat diabetes, fever, coughs, congestion, high blood pressure, diarrhea, flatulence, anaemia and arthritis. It also helps to produce more breast milk in nursing mothers.

puereria mirifica (also known as white kwao krua) grows in Northern and Northeastern Thailand, it is more difficult to get a hold of than the other supplements I listed, to my knowledge it is only sold online. This plant can boost your libido, and increase vaginal wetness. Many have said that pueraria mirifica had a beneficial effect on the hair, skin and also breast increase. On a side note, the region where this plant is grown is remarkable for its low rate of breast cancer and impressive longevity.

Fennel is great for its phytoestrogens and has many other medicinal uses. Fennel also can help with: Anemia, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, colic, menstrual disorders, and eye problems. The Anethole in fennel has repeatedly been shown to reduce inflammation and to help prevent the occurrence of cancer. I chew on about a half a teaspoon of fennel after eating (it is great for freshening the breath) and sometimes make fennel tea at night.

I don't know much about black cohosh or dong quai other than that people take them for their estrogen-like effects.

My advice is to look into these herbs more and see which one could be right for you. There is no exact daily value or 'dosage' for herbs, so be careful and don't take too much. When in doubt, follow what is recommended on the bottle.

Replied by Julia
Bryson City, Nc

The only problem I have with phytoestrogens, is if you've had breast cancer, and your cancer was hormone related, estrogen will feed your cancer. So you have to be careful with these phytoestrogens as well as soy.

Replied by Pahlee
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Is vitaim e good for vaginal atrophic?

Replied by Kimberly
Fl, Usa

My gynecologist suggested using Olive oil. He says it soaks into the skin and will help with intercourse. As mentioned earlier a little goes along way. I guess either oil would work.

Replied by Andrea C
Cardiff, Wales

Ladies, do not use Replens. That's the name for it in the UK. I do not know what name it has internationally. It contains Trans Fatty Acid evild stuff. It is commonly prescribed for vaginal dryness over here. Check out and it should bring up the name for it in other countries. Love Andrea C

Replied by Sharon
Scottsdale, Az

I agree! REPLENS is not the answer for vaginal dryness. I am pursuing taking the herb puereria mirifica. I am a little concerned since I don't need larger breasts at all but I am willing to give this a shot for the vaginal dryness issue. I'll check back and let you know in a month how that's going.

Replied by Shelly

Try taking 4 Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil capsules daily, works from the inside out for dryness. Allow a few months to really work.