Natural Remedies

Receding Gums And Teeth Protruding Out Of Bone

Posted by Irene (India) on 02/12/2014

Receding gums and teeth protruding out of bone. Sir, Pl.let me know some good home made remedy for receding gums and shaking teeth for the past several months and what is the home remedy or medicines that I can buy in India. Tks Irene

Replied by Dave
Fountain Inn, Sc

To Irene from India;

Loss of teeth as you describe is normally caused by loss of crucial minerals; magnesium and potassium. Also, the gums may be infected (periodontal disease).

Assuming you can't get to a doctor and are seeking help, I'd first try supplements with Apple Cider Vinegar... a great source of potassium and an "in general" health promoter... also take a lot of magnesium citrate. Try magnesium in any form that you can get.

I constantly recommend "Epsom Salts Baths" .... that is Magnesium sulfate; a cheap and effective to saturate the mag depleted body in Magnesium.

Vitamin C is also a possible cause for loss of bone. (Scurvy which comes from not getting enough C could cause loss of teeth.) If this is a scurvy problem you'd also show other symptoms...edema, anemia...look up symptoms on internet.

If I had any sign of infection, periodontal disease, I'd be using an anti viral/bacterial/fungal; if available, colloidal silver. I know that in India, "silver leaf" is used as a garnish on rice, but I wouldn't recommend eating the compound often.

Replied by Prioris

You need to address the receding gums. First address any gum infections. There are many remedies under the aliment section called Receding Gums. I like oil pulling and hydrogen peroxide.

Second, the gums may also need internal nutrition. this isn't mentioned in that section but I have found thru personal experience that hyaluronic acid / collagen supplement helps to strengthen and maintain gums. It needs to be highly absorb-able and many HA brands in past weren't. I have only used the Biocell brand of HA. Many HA brands use that so look on back of ingredient label. Whatever you use, make sure you research it for effectiveness.

If the person is younger, I would try Vitamin C first before I use HA. Someone older is likely going to have a HA deficiency while someone younger is not. Vitamin C helps with collagen formation.

Replied by Bill
San Fenando, Philippines

Hi Irene...Gum disease is widespread throughout the western civilized world. 47% of Americans over the age of 20 in the US have peridonitis and 52% of Americans over the age of 30 have gingivitis according to the CDC. That's why most Americans between 50 - 60 have already lost most of their teeth.

It is also true that the health state of the teeth and gums generally reflect the health state of our bodies. Gum disease is generally caused by several types of pathogenic microbe that might also involve viruses, bacteria or fungus.

The problem of gum disease is certainly a difficult one because it arises for several reasons. Plaque in the form of biofilms help protect the bacteria which aids the spread disease on teeth and further damages the gums. Abscesses may form inside the fleshy area of the tooth or gums. Dr Weston Price found through his own dental research that root canal surgery and tooth implants also helps to create safe havens within the microtubules of the root canals for a vast array of dangerous pathogens affecting the body. These untouchable and protected pathogens within the root canals will continue to infect and exude poisons to help destroy the gums and to adversely affect the rest of the body with disease.

Therefore products like neem oil or neem toothpaste, colloidal silver, iodine, GSE, hydrogen peroxide, MMS etc are certainly useful as purely topical anti-pathogens. But, unfortunately, all these topical remedies will not be able to effectively reach or penetrate root canals or root canal infections, where dangerous pathogens have already set up their unreachable safe havens within the microtubules therein.

So the best way to affect a deeper kill for pathogens residing within the gums and the root canals is to use a transdermal penetrant like DMSO(Dimethyl Sulfoxide). Dr Hulda Clark just recommends a 20% DMSO solution(one teaspoon 100% DMSO plus 4 teaspoons of water) as a simple mouth wash. Swish this mixture around your mouth for a few minutes before spitting it out and do not rinse out your mouth afterwards. DMSO kills a wide range of viruses, bacteria and fungus. To further enhance this method, adding several drops of Lugols Iodine or colloidal silver to the DMSO mouthwash will also help to widen the effects of a deeper pathogen kill in the mouth and gums region. The DMSO simply acts as a penetrative carrier for the iodine or colloidal silver. It is also able to penetrate much deeper into the gums and biofilms for a more consistent and complete pathogen kill.

Replied by Linda
Southern Maine

.....sometimes receding gums are NOT due to infection?

I have no periodontal disease but my gums are receding due to - according to my dentist - brushing w/peroxide & baking soda. Dentist's opinion was the baking soda was too abrasive.....there's barely enough "to say so" in the mixture I use ~ I don't make a paste just mix 1/4 cup or so of peroxide, a shake or two of baking soda out of the box and two drops of peppermint essential oil.

Then, again, I've read about clenching teeth being a cause of gum recession....I'm not sure if I buy that story, but have been known to be a "teeth clencher".

Replied by Prioris

In regards to receding gums ... Linda, what is your age bracket

Replied by Linda
Southern Maine

Prioris, I turn 56 in May and am very curious why you ask!

Replied by Prioris

Given your age, I can see why you may have receding gums with no gum infection. It could be sign of Hyaluronic acid / Collagen deficiency. It happens as one ages. You could benefit from adding the Biocell formula or similar and taking on empty stomach. It may reverse it. I'd try 150 mg of HA per day for 4-6 weeks and see if there is improvement. Even if it doesn't work, you benefit in other ways. Just from personal experience, my gums experienced improvement. I wasn't expecting it. Just something to think about doing.

Replied by Linda
Southern Maine

Thank you, Prioris, for your suggestion....I'll "check it out"!! I've read good things about hyaluronic acid and I understand a decrease in collagen could be a factor in (another thing that's going on with me) pelvic prolapse?

Replied by Sluggo
Columbus, Ms

Read about Oil Pulling and you will see postings of users that have had great and immediate results. I have been OP for about a week and can see good progress with my gums and my teeth are getting whiter daily.