Natural Remedies

Remedies For Sufferer With Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis

Posted by Mitz (Fl) on 11/27/2013

Hello All, I seem to be suffering from this guttate hypomelanosis. I have read all the comments on here and have not heard of anyone having success with treating this with the exception of Teds clients. Has anyone thoroughly tried Ted's remedies and have had successful outcomes? I'm going to give it a try. And will get back.

Replied by Mitzie

Hello Bill,

Since Ted is unable to offer his help and knowledge for the time being maybe u can help with protocols on treating this guttate hypomelanosis. I went to the dermatologist and she confirmed exactly what I suspected it to be. Is rubbing organic coconut oil all over the body and taking alfalfa supplements one effective course for treatment? Please respond.

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, Philippines

Hi Mitze...Here is Ted's remedy for Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis :

Besides the B12 (500-1000 mcg), and folic acid (20 mg) and 3000 mg of vitamin C you also need:
1. Betaine HCl to increase your stomach acid to protect from increases in further fungus exposure
2. PABA at least 400 mg
3. Vitamin D3 (10, 000 iu) Topical creams however work the best.
4. Copper deficiency. Copper prevents fungus growth that's how wood rot is also treated too.
5. Chromium deficiency Chromium controls blood sugar, and also are low for people with vitiligo and idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis.
6. Blood sugar is high. It fuels most lower organism, what better then sugar?
7. Boron. Helps normalize hormones, and progesterone especially is lacking, so these people get this condition if they are 35 years an older.
8, Autoimmune disease. It is found that 10% has autoimmune disease. Of course they do, that's how fungus works, it causes autoimmune disease, it doesn't do that generally speaking if its a virus or a bacteria. And borax is the best treatment for them because borax kills fungus and it raises or normalizes hormone across the board, with possible exception of growth hormones.


Basically Ted maintains that IGH, which is very similar to vitiligo, is caused by fungus and deficiencies like lack of copper and lack of stomach acid for proper digestion. This is also explained fully in the above link.

But I would like to pass some thoughts on as to my own experiences with vitiligo, which I've had since my teenage years. Vitiligo is very similar to IGH, but it is more body-wide and noticeable, in larger white patches and always seems to occur characteristically around the joints.

Here's my own experience with vitiligo(which is very similar to IGH). I cured my own systemic candida(a fungal disease) problems 8 years ago. At the beginning of 2013, I moved to another house in the Philippines. I now sit and work at a desk directly in front of my study window for most of the day -- lots of indirect sunlight through the window. And here's the point: after having lived in that house for 6 months, I noticed that my vitiligo was actually disappearing around my arms, face and upper body and that these large white patches are now turning brown with normal pigmentation. This can only be because I was getting incidental sunlight(not direct sunlight) while sitting at the window in my study. These areas have become darker and darker brown(I wear no shirt during the day, except for formal occasions).

Here are some of my conclusions. Yes, Ted is completely right -- fungus plays a big part in skin problems involving pigmentation because fungus loves copper, iron and calcium for its biofilms. Copper is needed to help melanin production for proper pigmentation of the skin -- I was lacking copper. It therefore wasn't enough for me just to get rid of my candida -- I needed more incidental sunlight in order to re-generate the vit D etc to generate normal pigmentation again.

So just to sum up. The reason my vitiligo(which the docs also cannot cure) has disappeared is because:

* I successfully used a broad acting protocol to get rid of my systemic and local fungal/bacteria problems. I cured my systemic candida which also killed the fungus in my skin causing the vitiligo. But still my white skin patches remained.

* By complete chance I sat shirtless in front of a window for a year and my vitiligo is now rapidly disappearing and my skin is becoming normally pigmented again. Therefore Vitamin D is urgently needed, as well as copper(BS Molasses) and tyrosine to help generate melanin for re-pigmentation of the skin. But I think the most important element of all was the incidental sunlight.

The above conclusions also apply to IGH.

I would also recommend that you use essential oils topically on your skin, with a view to killing all associated fungal problems that always seem to be involved in IGH and vitiligo -- by using pine oil, geranium oil or lavender oil. These oils rapidly kill all forms of pathogens in the skin -- including fungus. Just combine three or four drops of any one of these essential oils with a teaspoon of VCO or Olive Oil and rub it into the white areas of the skin every day. This will kill the fungus locally. And remember that even if you do kill all the fungus causing your IGH problem -- you will still need incidental sunlight or vit D to bring back the pigmentation. So it may necessarily take a while -- so have patience.

My own belief is that fungal diseases are, unquestionably, the hardest to recognize and cure. I also have a theory concerning the huge part that fungal diseases must play in our aging process. But that's, perhaps, a longer story for another day...

Replied by Mitzie

Thank You So Much Bill for you help! I'm going to get right on with the remedies that you mentioned, I will also keep you updated with my progress. God Bless.

Replied by Mitzie

Hello Bill,

Hope all is well. I also wanted to know how did you systematically get rid of the candida/fungus from within? Do you have a diet plan that you followed or did you take a specific product/s to kill the candida/fungus in the body?

Replied by Bill
San Fenando, Philippines

Hi Mitzie...My candida protocol involves and follows the strategy given below:

Anti-Candida and Anti-Pathogen Protocols

Anti-Biofilm Protocols

Alkalizing Protocols

Essential Detox Protocols

Liver Support Protocols(Neutralizing Toxins)

Vitamin and Mineral Support (Immune System Support)

The Health Defence Diet

For a quick look at the whole protocol on EC see this link. I've also written a book on Candida which goes into much greater detail and describes exactly what candida is as a pathogen and why this disease is so hard to cure. The book is called Candida: Killing So Sweetly and is sold on EC and

Regarding using diet to cure candida, I have read hundreds of testimonials where people have used this or that diet to cure their candida. Some make progress using just diet, but usually they hit a plateau and there is no further progress to a final cure. And many who use just the diet approach completely fail. You really have to know and understand what you are doing when you use a diet to cure candida. And it can also be expensive. Secondly, I help people with candida issues from the more primitive countries like Pakistan, Philippines and Indonesia. In such countries, there is no such thing as organic food in the provinces -- it doesn't really exist. The average wage in the Philippines is about $3 a day -- so how can they afford organic food or store bought nutrients anyway? I usually end up advising particular herbs that grow for free in their area but this approach is not as good as my protocol which is more strongly focused. Having said all that, a diet will definitely help you -- eliminate all processed foods from your diet and avoid all additives, sugar, wheat, dairy and yeast foods. I use specific nutrients to achieve the goals of my strategy above. Many people misunderstand and underestimate the robustness of candida to be able to relentlessly persist or keep returning as a systemic infection. Many people also have a mistaken belief that candida is just like a viral or bacterial infection and that's usually one of the major reasons why they fail to cure their candida problem -- and so it never goes away or just keeps returning because they have used the wrong approach.

Replied by Mitzie

Hi Bill,

The links that you provided are not working it states "404-page not found"? Also do you know of anything that can eliminate uterine fibroids or will the protocols mentioned will be effective against the fibroids as well?

EC: We're fixing the links now!

Replied by Bill
San Fenando, Philippines

Hi Mitzie...Here are the links again:

Candida:Killing So Sweetly

Candida Protocol on EC

I helped to cure a lady from Africa four years ago using my protocol. As well as candida she had GERD, gastritis, low thyroid, esophigitis, hiatal hernia, uterine fibroids and kidney nodules and she was rapidly losing weight. It took about 6 months to cure all these problems using the candida protocol. The only extra protocol I added(for her GERD problems) was betaine hydrochloride and protease enzymes(pancreatin with bromelain) taken at mealtimes.

So yes, my protocol should cure your fibroids but you will have to ensure that you take the high dose of lugols iodine(LI) that is recommended in the protocol. Iodine supplementation cures cyst problems in the body. It also kills many forms of pathogens including candida. But please ensure that you do not abbreviate the protocol -- take the regimen, as described -- including the diet, for best results. The protocol is also described in much more detail in my book on candida which also contains full descriptions of the nutrients as well as an example tabulated daily schedule for taking the candida protocol.

Replied by Mitzie

Hi Bill,

Thanks. And I will do a followup.

Replied by Meeya
Sunnyvale, Ca

Hi Bill, I posted a longer comment under Ted's thread for treating IGH, so I will keep this brief.

After taking the supplements exactly as you described for IGH, I developed an eczema-like rash on my face. I had only taken the supplements for a couple of weeks, when I developed a small itchy red bump on my cheek, that grew within 2 days into 3 very large patches. They are hot, red, raised, extremely itchy and ooze yellow liquid. They also had fluid built up under the patch, which raised half an inch off my face. My face was very swollen. After a couple of days the liquid dropped down on my face and swelled other areas of my face and neck (moved downward with gravity).

I am assuming this rash is a cleansing reaction. It seems to be fungal in nature. I don't think it's an allergic reaction, because I haven't been expsed to anything new other than taking these supplements and showering with borax powder. I scrub the borax powder on my skin (everywhere except my face). My skin seemed very happy with this new routine.

At this point the rash is only on my face. Now in my 30s, I've only had a rash on my face in the past (once in my teens, and once in my 20s) when my skin was exposed to wood, and again in my 20s when I tried oil pulling. I didn't want to put up with such a noticeable detox reaction so I gave up oil pulling for good. I used steroids in the past to clear up the rashes. Unlike what I have now, those rashes consisted of much smaller patches, and not really as red, hot and itchy. I don't remember them being raised or oozing any fluid. And definitely no swelling of the face. One doc diagnosed it as guttate psoriasis (but who knows. It was gone after the steroids so I thought it was just a strange allergic reaction to some kind of chemically treated wood). Other than that, my skin is normally free of rashes and acne.

Right now I'm really miserable, as the itch is very intense. I can hardly sleep at night. I don't like going anywhere during the day because it's so bad, but with 3 little ones to care for that's not an option for me. If you were in my shoes, would you remain off of all supplements until the rash was gone? I am treating it topically with borax, clay, iodine, salts... I am not scratching it at all... and I think it's helping because it's not getting worse, and at least the swelling is gone. Or would you take the supplements with the hope that it would actually speed the detox and heal everything up quicker? Thanks for your insight and look forward to hearing from you.

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, Philippines

Hi Meeya...I think the breakouts on your face are probably either due to detoxing of excess heavy metals or detoxing of bromine or fluorine from your body.

Iodine is a very efficient chelator of cadmium, lead, mercury, aluminum and arsenic. Iodine also removes excess bromine and fluorine from the body. By 'remove' I mean that Iodine will remove these poisons from your cells and dump them into your blood and then its up to your liver to cope with this excess. So if the liver is already quite stressed, then the skin, which is also a major excretory organ in the body, will try and help -- and this is what can lead to fluoroderma or bromoderma problems. Other heavy metals can also cause skin problems as well.

To know where you stand -- to help you find the cause and what your problem is -- I would simply suggest getting a hair analysis done. This will tell you all the poisons you have in excess in your body -- including heavy metals, fluorine and bromine. The hair analysis will also tell you any vitamin and mineral deficiencies that you might also have. This will help you to further focus your own protocol more strongly to rid yourself of these problems.

The general favourite for skin break-outs when you supplement iodine is normally bromine. The many symptoms of excess bromine in the blood are shown here. To remedy this particular problem, just take the sea salt and water loading protocol as shown here on this page. The chloride from the sea salt will tend to bind with the bromine and help to clear it more quickly from the blood via the urinary pathway which will help to take the strain off the liver.

So you can use the salt loading protocol to help reduce the bromine and supplementing Borax as advised should also help to reduce the fluorine in your body as well.

Replied by Meeya
Sunnyvale, Ca

Great info Bill. Thanks so much.

Do you have a particular lab you recommend for the hair analysis?

I will give the borax and salt loading protocols a try. I actually just ordered some Lugol's iodine, and was planning to take some. So if I understand you correctly, I should take that as well to help continue the detox.

I suppose it doesn't help any that my city's water supply is fluoridated, and I'm taking 2x/day baths with 1.5 cups borax added.

I am breastfeeding my little one... hope none of these poisons are reaching him through my milk... I'll post again after I've given your suggestions a try. Can't thank you enough!

Replied by Gul

Hello Bill,

Thank you for giving insights on igh. My igh is rapidly spreading and am taking anti oxidant and melgain on white spots

Do we have to take vitamins n iu mentioned every day?

Does steam bath helps in getting back pigmentation or is it harmful?

Also can you suggest which oil is best for body so as to prevent spread...currently I have it on legs arms and few spots on face..please help asap

Also in india dr do not rely much on candida fungus what protocol should I follow?

Thank you

Gratitude and love

Replied by Delma

Hello, I have been reading a few posts from this site regarding IGH idiopathic guttate hypomelanoisis. Ted had recommended a while back that this is fungus related. Has anyone suffered from this and found a cure? My white spots on skin are becoming more spread on my skin.


Replied by Mariela

Do you have herbal remedy for Hypomelanosis of Ito?